Dark against light

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We didn't know what to do.

We ran towards the yard and spells were running past one every second.

"Hannah? Have you seen Luna?" I say as we hide behind a big column.

"Not since she ran away with Harry. But I think Neville was lookong for her too." she say and we run to the next column because the one we stod behind got crashed and someone was hunting us.

"I will run in to the castle and look for Neville." I say and run towards the big treedoors.

I wasn't looking for Neville. But I couldn't tell her who I was looking for. I had to do this on my own.

"My Love!" Someone shouts from behind a door.

I look to find my 'mother' waving at me.

"Come on!" she say and wave even more.

"I won't go with you. I am gonna save this place. No matter what." I say and cast a spell so the door hits her face. Then I run towards the stairs. I run up and everywhere, I have to cast a spell against a deatheater.

"Juliette?" one man say and show his face from behind a dark mask. I didn't know him. But he did know me.

"Who are you?" I say and do an excpelliarmus on him. He just smiles.

"I'm your father!" he say and open his arms.

This was enough. I knew I did have a father. But I didn't wanna meet him. he was a deatheater.

"If you want me to trust you, then you must be stupid. You're a deatheater and I'm not gonna help you if that's what you think." I say and start to run up the stairs.

"Juliette! They are not gonna kill you if you go with me or your mother." he say and slowly follow me up the stairs.

I turn around and face him with a cold gaze.

"I am not going to follow you. I'm not like you! I am a Griffindor!" I say and throw a spell so he falls down the steps and I can run away.

But then I get a spell in my back.

And I drop my wand.

"My lovely daughter. Don't do this." It was my so called mum. She took my wand and helped me up.

She was nice. But she was one of them. And I couldn't handle that.

"I must!" I say and take back my wand.

I see black dressed people flying around the castle and I know this only could end in two ways.

Eather I fight for all my friends, or I join my family and have to fight against them.

"They are my friends. I can't betray them." I say and look up at her eyes hided undet her hair. She was smiling at me.

"I understand you. And I am so proud to have you as my daughter. But I can't leave this even if I wanted to. I am who I am. no one can change that. But I will always love you Juliette." she say and hug me tight. And for the first time. She felt like my mother. This was my real mother and she loved me. And sent me away to save me. I know that.

"Thanks mum." I say before I let her go and start walking away.

"Julie." she say then and I turn around. She used my old name. She was a little sad. I could see that.

"Your father wants to meet you." she say and I bite my lip.

then I see the man walking out from behind a corner.

"Juliette!" he say and look at me. His light brown hair all messy after my spell. I didn't know what to do. They were my parents after all.

I look away towards the hall were people were running around and casting spells.

I just start walking slowly towards the two of them. And they meet me at half way.

"My love. I have waited for this day my entire life." he say and they both hug me and tears start falling down my face. Everything was just wrong.

Then they let me go and I give them a half smile before I run away to help my friends.

But then as I run around a corner, I see a familiar back. Draco? My heart skipped a beat as I saw him running around the next corner.

I hurry after him and run pass fallen walls and destroied windows.

"Draco!" I scream as I run around next corner. He stops and slowly turn around. I couldn't stop my tears as I saw him. And I give him a smile through my tears. Then I laugh and dry them off with my shirt.

"Julie?" he say and start running towards me. I run to him and jump in to his arms.

"I have missed you so much!" I say and hug him tight and take in the smell of him. He smelled smoke. But I could still feel his clean rich snob smell. I laugh at how stupid this was. He was crying too.

"Please don't help him." I say as I let him go. He press his fists together and look at me with his sad eyes.

"I have too. You know that. He will kill everyone I love and care about if I don't." he say and I grab his hand.

"But not now. We can still win. He is weak. Harry will win." I say and he looks away as I mention Harry.

"Please! Just don't leave me now. Just let me be with you for this day." I say and hug him again.

We hear someone breaking the wall next to us and starts to run at one direction try to dissarm the person behind us.

 Suddenly Voldemort's voice echoes throughout the castle grounds.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat.  In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me."

And I hug Draco's hand hard as I hear this. But he told me he would stay here untill Potter had fixed it.

The halls are turning empty and I see some people walking in to the great hall. Draco stay hidden outside so everyone won't be mad at him. I think most of them know he have been fighting for the dark lord.

So I give him a kiss before I enter the great hall. Or what is left of it.

It was sad. How destroied it looked.

People were lying next todead people crying and screaming.

People got killed. I couldn't believe it. And then I see Ron standing with his family and someone was dead.

Fred? George twin brother? Was this really true?

And lots of others well known students.

I try not to cry. But I couldn't stop it.

Then I see Luna and Hannah and I run towards thrm and hug them.

"Thank god you're alive." I say and I hug each of them long.

"It's only the snake left. Harry have destroied all the other horocruxes." Luna say and we sit down on a pile of books.

"You think we can win?" I ask and Hannah and Luna nod. Both of us were sad for what had happened but we had something worth living for.


The chosen one ( Harry potter fiction. A Draco Malfoy lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now