Can this even be better?

196 8 4

Julie °○

We see all these deatheaters walking towards us. In the lead, the dark lord himself, lord Voldermort.

Then behind him is Hagrid,  carrying a body.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Lord Voldemort shout and laugh.

Ginny Weasly is screaming.

"Silence!" He say and flicker his wand.

"Stupid girl!" he say and walk closer.

"Harry Potter is dead." he say and smile.

I didn't wanna believe it. It couldn't happen. He was the boy who lived.

I walk closer to Draco. And I feel him standing as a stone beside me.

"No matter what. I will always love you.forever." he say and grab my hand.

"from this day forth... you put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead!"

Voldemort say and Bellatrix is laughing highly.

"Ye-he-he. And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us... or die." he say again and look over at us with a terrible smile.

I can feel Draco's grip getting harder around my hand.

"Draco...  Draco." Lucius say and reach out his hand to show that Draco should go over to them.

"Draco come." Narcissa say and now everyone turn to look at Draco.

I hold his hand hard.

"Forever. don't forget." I whisper and squeeze his hand hard before I let go.

He stand there frozen before he swallows and do a qucik glance at me before he starts walking away.

It is all quiet as he pass all the people.

I stand there feeling the pain inside me and then I feel Lunas hand in mine and she give me a smile.

"Welcome Draco." Voldemort say and give him a hug as he reach him. Then he keep walking towards his parents.

I look at Narcissa and she looks at me. Then she give me a small smile and I press my lips as I always do and give her a smile. I knew she loved him. She was the only one I knew who treated him alright.

I see Neville starting to walk towards Voldemort with the sorting hat in his hand. He is bleading from his head and stumble as he walk. Was he gonna join the dark lord?

"Well I thought we'd do a bit better then that!" Voldemort say and all the deatheaters join in a laugh.

"And who might you be young man?" he say and Neville is looking down on the ground.

"Neville Longbottom." he say and all of them laughs again.

"Well Neville I'm aure we will find a place in our range.."

"I'd like to say something." Neville say with a higher voice and Voldemort stops and look at him with strange eyes.

" ...I think we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort say and I stand there biting my lip. The silence from all the others made me hear my own heartbeats.

"It doesn't matter that Harry is gone." he start and I have to grab Lunas hand harder. Was he really gone?

"People die everyday— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us…in here." Neville say and point at gis heart. 

"So is Fred, Remus, Tonks…all of them. They didn’t die in vain!" he look at us and I look at Draco. I could see his pain. He knew that the words Neville was telling was true.

"But you will! Cause you’re wrong! Harry’s heart did beat for us! For all of us! It’s not over!” Neville say and as he say the last words, something I never thought would happened, did happen.

Harry Potter fall down on the ground alive at the same time as Neville take out the griffindor sword from the sorting hat.

Harry raise his wand and throw a spell towards Voldemorts snake and then run away while Voldemort try his best to hit him with fire.

I take a glance at Draco but all I see is black shadows dissapearing away from the scene. All of the students have to run in to the castle and we get a protecting spell just as Voldemort tries to hit us.

I run up in the tower and see Draco and his family leave on the bridge. They were not looking back. I knew this was gonna be the last time I saw him.

"forever." I whisper and press my lips before I see Draco dissapear with his family.

Goodbye again.

"Julie! C'mon! We gotta run and help!" Hannah shout and grab my arm as she see me.

Voldemort is hunting Harry but mist of the deatheaters are gone. And there was only voldemort left. And only one person could defeat him. Harry Potter. And so he did. The dark lord did die. and this time it would be forever.

If this was a story, then it probably would end with that the prince get his Princess and they will live happily ever after in their big castle.

But this isn't one of those stories. I was married now. With a man at the ministry and I had two wonderfull children. One who would now go to Hogwarts. And I stood there holding my youngest girl in my arms and hugging the oldest before she would leave with the train.

"Buy mom!" she say and wave at me with a big smile.

I smile back and watch as her blonde ponytale dissapear in to the train.

"She'll be fine Juliette. She will always be." my husband say and clap my shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder and look at the other people around. Everyone was leaving off their kids. Harry and Ginny. Ron and Hermione, Neville and Hannah. And Draco...

His blonde hair was still there acompanied with another darkhaired girl leaving off their blonde younger boy.

His eyes were still blue-grey but his smile wasn't the same.

He looks over at me and our eyes connect. And then i see his smile. That warm smile that I only saw a few times.

I give him a smile back. Our time was over. He belonged in my past now. We had chosen our future. And this was it. we were both married and had children. And now we had nothing to be worried about. I am happy. And I hoped he was too.

"I'm so happy for us Oliver." I say to my husband and kiss my youngest girl on her head.

"I am too, Juliette." He say as we watch the train leave the station and my daughter were now gonna experiens just what I did my first years at Hogwarts. And she might just met her first love. And her first enemy. But I know one thing. No matter what, Hogwarts will always be there and welcome you with open arms.

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