Is this the happy ending?

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Julie ~*

Harry had decided to meet Voldemort. He knew what he had to do.

So I walked out to search for Draco. He was hiding in an empty broke down corridor. And he looked just as everyone else. Torn.

I go up and hug him.

"We can win. I know we can. I trust Harry. Maybe you don't. But I do. you shall not lose hope." I say and lean to his cheast.

"As long as Potter is alive and can fight him. I won't lose hope of being with you." he say and kiss my forehead easily. I know he was sad. All of us were. We knew we would lose people who were close to us.

"We've got this night. Everything else is unsertain." he say and I look up at his grey eyes. I grab his hands and lean up and kiss his cold lips.

"We better use it wisely." I say and kiss him again.

"I want to show you something." he say and drag me with him up the stairs.

People are passing us and looking at us with strange eyes. Didn't they know that he was here. He had been gone this semester, but there was no need to look at him like that. He didn't have a choice.

We enter a small wooden door. And enters what I think was the astronomy tower. I heard of it but never been here.

This is were Dumbledore was killed.

"This is were I stod. That night Dumbledor died. But all I could think of was you. How would I ever see you again if I did it. Your nice smile. And that face you make when you can't understand a question in the books. And when you press your lips together to stop smiling to big." he say and walk up to the center.

"This is were I knew. I knew that I was gonna keep you away from this. Away from me. Away from all deatheaters." he say and look at me and I just smile sadly.

"But well, that wasn't what you are used to. You are not like all the others. You end up in all the strange things and you just can't be told what to do. You are the most own minded girl I know. I love you Julie." he say and almost laugh at himself.

"I bloody love you Julie!" he say and look at me. I know he told me the truth. I was about to cry.

"Draco, I love you too." I whisper from my place a few steps away from him.

"And that is why. I will ask you, Julie Romero. Or Juliette Marion Grayson, what ever your name is. I will love you untill my heart stops. So please, just bloody marry me." he say and lean down on his knee. And I just stand there shakeing. What should i say. I was only seventeen.

"I know we are young. But just look at it like a proof that for this night. If it may be the last we have, we love eachother. And if it may end well. My question will stay forever. And I will find a way for us to be together. Even if the dark lord wins and I have to leave you again. I will find you." he say and lean up and walk towards me.

"I do love you Draco. I do." I say and give him a long kiss. I did really love him. He may be a deatheater or whatever he like. But I loved him. And if we were gonna be seperated from eachother again. We knew we would find a way. Cause this night was being a proof that our love was stronger than everything. And if it ment we were not gonna see echother for years, our heart wouldn't be apart.

He grab my waist and press me to the wall. He kiss me softly and I drag my hand through his hair. That blonde silver hair.

"I want to know one thing Draco." I say and he lean away from me.

"If Harry dies. Will you go back to your parents?" I say and look down on my feets. He take a breath and look away for a while.

"I will. I have to. My life is ment for the dark lord. Even if I don't want it. But that doesn't mean I will stop loving you. I will not hurt a living person as long as you love me too." he say and look back in to my eyes.

"I will love you forever." I say and kiss him on his cheak.

"Forever and ever." I say and grab his hand.

"So yes, I will marry you." I say and smile at the thought. He get a big grin on his face and kiss me.

We walked down the stairs towards everyone. If this was the last night. I needed to see my friends too. And they needed to see him.

"Julie!" Hannah say and run up to me. "Harry has gone to meat Voldemort." she say and Luna comes walking after.

"I know. But there is someone I want you to meat." I say and show Draco. She first look at him. Then me. And then raise and eyebrow before she smile.

"Nice to meat you Draco. I'm Hannah." she say and shake his hand.

"I'm Luna. I think you know me. But most people thinks I'm crazy and that I think is why they know me." she say and give him one of her nice smiles.

Draco just stand there. And give them a half grin. I guess he didn't know how to act.

Draco °●

Julie brought me to her friends and I felt like maybe I could finally be free from this now. Harry had gone to fight the Dark Lord and my parents, I didn't know where they were.

We had sat down in what was left of the great hall and Julie was trying to help those who needed. She really was the best person I knew.

I loved the way she made people think that everything was gonna be alright and the way she press her lips together when she is curious.

I helped her as good as I could. But to be serious, I wasn't born for this. I was more the person who would have done this. I didn't wanna be that person. But there was nothing else I could do.

"Are you alright?" she say and sit dow  next to me and look me in the eyes.

"Sure I'm fine." I say and raise my eyebrow and give her a quick grin. I don't think I was. People were dead. Because of me. I was a deatheater. It could have been me who killed Ron's big brother. And I hated myself for that.

Julie •●°

We had all been sad about what happened. But all of us kept hope. We believed in Harry. If anyone could save us from the Dark Lord it was Harry Potter.

We sat in the great hall and I tried helping those who needed but it was such a sad moment.

I had to sit down by Draco and relax a bit. To many people were dead and I leaned against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Hr bring his arms around me and I smile at the same time as I start crying. He just brings me closer and I sit there in his arms crying. I was worried.

"What happens if we lose?" I say and look up at Draco. He look away and breath. Then he look at me.

"Let's not think of that." he say and hug me harder.

I tried to. But it was hard and we sat there in silence watching everyone else cry for the death of everyone we loved. And at last. I think I had cried out all my tears. I knew that if the dark lord won. Draco would have to leave me.

But then the sun is going up and the night is dissapearing. And then someone comes in telling us that they are back.

I look at Draco and both of us were scared. But he kiss me before he grab my hand and we walk towards the yard to see the arriving.

We stop on the stairs next to Luna and Hannah. I squeeze Dracos hand and my heart beats faster as I see all black dressed men walking towards us. I looked around to see all the sad faces. Even Dracos face looked sad. And I didn't like it.

"I will love you forever. No matter what. I will find you." I whisper to him and give him a small smile. As big as I could right now.

He doesn't look at me but I can feel his grip around my hand tighten and that made me feel better about it.

"Forever." he whisper and I press my lips. Not to stop smiling. But to try not to cry. Cause I saw what was coming towards us.

Harry Potter.


The chosen one ( Harry potter fiction. A Draco Malfoy lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now