Chapter Two: Backstage

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CP: "Ok let's start, one two three"

(Charlie starts singing The Way I Am)

Y/N: "Did you see the way Charlie looked at me?"

Olivia: "Yeah, he looked at you, like as in, a fan?"

Y/N: "No Charlie looked at me like he liked me"

(Olivia looked at you like you're just another crazy fan believing that Charlie Puth and yourself were "soulmates")

Y/N: "Don't give me that look, I know what I saw in his eyes, he looked like he liked me"

Olivia: "Yeah okay, keep dreaming"

(Charlie finishes singing The Way I Am and looks back at you and smiles and quickly turns away once he sees you catch him)

Y/N: "Okay you didn't see that?"

(You turn over to see Olivia response but she's dumbstruck because she saw Charlie Puth looking and smiling at her best friend) 

Olivia: "Woah, yeah I saw that WTF, Charlie Puth, and my best friend? I would've never imagined"

(Suddenly, more people show up with VIP passes, but Charlie didn't give any of them the same look he gave you, which gave you a special feeling inside, Charlie greets the newcomers)

CP: "Hey guys, we're just doing a soundcheck, go find your seats because I'm gonna be singing Slow it Down" 

(Charlie starts singing Slow it Down but before he starts singing, he gives you that special smile, a smile he doesn't give any other fan)

Olivia: I ship it

Y/N: Lol okay

***20 minutes pass of soundcheck***

Announcer: "Okay it's time for the Concert everyone! Take your seats!"

(The concert starts and a white sheet pulls down to the stage floor, all of a sudden Charlie's shadow appears on the white sheet, the sheet gets dropped to reveal Charlie's heavenly face, Charlie starts singing The Way I Am and looks out into the crowd and sees your face, and smiles a little) 

***Two hours later***

Announcer: "Anyone who has a VIP pass, go backstage to get your VIP pass checked to see Charlie"

(You start to get excited and you start jumping for joy. You go backstage to get your pass checked by the security, but then, your pass and Olivia's pass isn't cleared as valid )

Security Guard: "Sorry ladies, you cannot go backstage, your passes aren't cleared as valid on my scanner"

(You go into a sudden shocked/panicked mode, but in the most mature way possible you say to the security guard)

Y/N: "There must've been some mistake, at the entrance, it was cleared as valid!"

Security Guard: "Well I don't know what to tell you miss, sorry"

(You and Olivia turn to go home when all of a sudden, you hear Charlie's voice) 

CP: "Hey it's ok they're with me"

(You and Olivia feel a sigh of relief and excitement) 

CP: "So hey, what are you're names?" 

(You and Olivia are speechless, but then you finally get the strength to say your name)

Y/N: "I'm Y/N"

Olivia: "I'm Olivia"

CP: "Well nice to meet you both"

Olivia: "Hey I need to um, uh, use the restroom real quick. Charlie, where is it?"

CP: "It's just down the hall first door on the right"

Olivia: "Thanks"

(Olivia goes down to the restroom, but not to actually go, but to get you alone with Charlie. Charlie leads you to his dressing room and you two sit down on the couch and start talking)

CP: "Look, I gotta be honest with you, when you first walked in during my soundcheck, you made me feel like no woman has ever made me feel in a very long time, I just wanted to put that out there" 

(You and Charlie start blushing and smiling at each other) 

Y/N: "Out of all the girls, out of all the celebrities and fans, why me?" 

(Charlie chuckles)

CP: "It's just something about you, that made you stand out to me, and made me feel real feelings again for someone"

(Charlie tries to grab your hand until)

Olivia: "Hey we gotta go it's getting late, we have work tomorrow"

Y/N: "Oh, uh yeah hold on a second, Charlie can I have your phone for a second"

CP: "Yeah sure"

(Charlie hands you his phone and you put in your phone number)

Y/N: "Hey, when are you leaving New York"

CP: "Actually this is my last show, so I'm staying until August 3rd, so a week from now and my whole schedule is clear except for a few performances and interviews here and there throughout the week"

Y/N: "Well okay, when you're free, call me, I put my number in your phone, I can show you around New York sometime"

CP: "Okay then"

(You get your stuff and start to head out the door and then Charlie runs up to you AND) 

Love at the First Concert: A Charlie Puth FanficWhere stories live. Discover now