Chapter Five: The First Date

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As we walk out of Big Spin Records I look into Charlie's hazelnut eyes and say, "so where are we going, Charles?" I say to him with a big goofy grin, "well that is a secret, you'll just have to wait and see." He says with a smile on his face...

***15 minutes later***

I look out my window and see a fancy restaurant, I immediately look at Charlie and say, "this is too much." He looks at me when I say that and smiles, "anything for you", I blush, I knew that Charlie was a very nice guy because of all the interviews and articles I read about him, but not this nice! We walk towards the restaurant and Charlie must be a regular here, because the moment we approach the restaurant, everyone's eyes light up at the sight of Charles' face and they say, "CHARLIE!! Welcome back, I assume you want your regular seat when you visit New York?" One waiter says, "actually I brought a date, this is Y/N." The waiter looks at me and says, "nice to meet you Y/N, I'll get a table set up for you two," I look to talk to Charlie and say, "being a celebrity has it's perks doesn't it?" I say to him, "well yeah, but I also came here often with my family when we visit New York before I got discovered, so the Puth's are very well known here." When Charlie is done saying that, the waiter comes back, "follow me." Charlie and I follow the waiter to this private area in the back, this must be just for Charlie's family because it has their family name on it, 'The Puth's'. We walk in and they put rose petals on the floor with fairy lights dangling around the room, I start tearing up because Charlie went above and beyond just for a first date. Charlie sees that I'm tearing up and says, "hey hey hey, don't cry, you really like it don't you?" Charlie says with a charming smile, "I love it, Charles," I give him a big hug, leaving some wet spots because I was still crying, we go to our table and order our food, then Charlie starts up the conversation...

Charlie's POV: 

I hear Y/N, sobbing and I immediately say, "hey hey hey, don't cry, you really like it don't you?" I say to her to make her stop crying, even though I know those are happy tears, she responds and says, "I love it, Charles," I love it when she calls me that, it's just something about her that makes me happy when she says Charles to me. We sit down and order our food and I start the conversation with, "so, how long have you been a fan?" I ask her and she looks at me with those gorgeous, y/e/c, and says, "I think since your first album, Nine Track Mind, my favorite song on that album is Up All Night." (A/N you can replace that song with any song you like from Nine Track Mind) I look at her with wide eyes and say, "dang, for about 3 years now?" I asked her, still surprised that someone would actually like my music for that long, "well yeah, I don't just love you for your music, you're not like most celebrities, most celebrities let fame take over who they really are, but you're not them. What I've seen in the last 3 years, you know reading articles and listening to podcasts and watching interviews is that you've never changed who you are and that's a good thing because I've always liked you from the beginning. The day I listened to See You Again  on the radio, I literally fell in love with your voice, and then over time I fell in love with who you are as a person." Y/N says to me, I'm still in utter shock with what she just said in the past 5 minutes, it warmed my heart to hear that, all of a sudden I feel my eyes fogging up and a tear rolling down my cheek, I blink my eyes a few time for her to not see me crying, but when I opened my eyes, I don't see her on her seat, I look around to find her but then I feel her arms wrap around my waist, giving me a comforting hug from behind she whispers in my ear and says, "hey, don't cry Charles, you don't want you to think you're not a man, right?" She says in a playful tone, I chuckle with my foggy eyes and say, "what do you mean, I am a man!" I whine at her while smiling, the door opens and I smell our food being carried in by the waiter, Y/N goes back to her seat and the food gets placed on the table, we start eating, and then all I see is Y/N devouring her steak she ordered, she must've been really hungry, but then she caught me staring at her because she smirks at me and says, "what? I'm a hungry girl!" she whines, I smile at her and she smiles back and she continues to eat the steak.

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