Chapter Eight: Rescued

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I hear shouting and punching coming from James' living room, I walk out of his bedroom and I see Charlie, the cops and, omg SHAWN MENDES! Another boy I'm obsessed with, Charlie sees me and immediately walks over to me with so much worry on his face, "oh my god, Y/N! Are you okay, did he hurt you, what did he do?! I was so worried, you are never taking an uber again!" Charlie says to me still frantic, "I got so worried when one of the workers at your work said that you and Olivia weren't at work yet before me but then I got your location you sent me and I knew you were in trouble so I first called the cops and then I called my best friend Shawn for back up who was also in New York..." He said tears forming in his eyes, "I don't know what I would do if he did anything to you." He said, grabbing me and holding me gently and close to his chest, "it's okay Charles," I say to him trying to calm him down, then at the corner of my eye I see James' getting arrested by the cops but then I see Olivia getting put on a stretcher. 

When I see her I immediately get away from Charlie's grasp and rush over to my best friend, tears running down my cheeks once more. I ask the paramedics, "she's gonna be okay, right?" I say while looking at my best friend, so lifeless and still on the stretcher, "she's stable for now, we're gonna bring her to the hospital just in case to keep an eye on her health." One of the paramedics say to me, I nod and they bring her downstairs in the elevator. I look at Charlie and say, "it's all my fault, Charles!" I say to him running to him and hugging him, he comforts me and says, "hey it's not your fault, it's that stupid guy's fault, who is he anyway?" Charlie asks me, I tell Charlie the whole story and Charlie nods and when I finish he says, "don't worry, I'll protect you." 

Then I completely forgot Shawn was here, everything was happening so fast I forgot another celebrity was here, Charlie seems to notice so he introduces me to him. "Oh sorry Shawn I forgot you were here for a second, Shawn this is Y/N, my girlfriend, I met her at one of my concerts." He says, Shawn walks over to me and says, "hey I'm Shawn, Shawn Mendes," he says to me, I say, "I know who you are, I'm a big fan, Charles never said that you guys were best friends." "Well we are and I gotta say, you are a lucky girl, Charlie is a great and I hope he treats you well," Shawn says to me while giving a look to Charlie who just chuckles.  

"Hey, Charles can you bring me home? Shawn, you can come over too if you want." "Yeah sure I would love to Y/N," Shawn says to me, I nod and me, Charlie and Shawn head home to my apartment. 

Charlie's POV:

I look at Y/N while I'm driving and I could see she's still afraid and also very upset because her best friend is in the hospital. I try to comfort her by rubbing her back a little, I can see it's kinda helping because I can see a little bit of a smile forming on her face. We arrive at her apartment and I tell her I'm gonna catch up, she says "k" and walks in while I talk to Shawn in the hallway, I tell him I can't go back to California, not while Y/N almost died or worse! But I also know need to go back to work on new music for a new album, he understands and he gives me an idea, "why don't you just ask Y/N and Olivia to move to Los Angeles with you, that way you can protect her and Olivia while working on new music."

 My eyes light up by the sound of that idea, after that Shawn and I walk into her apartment to find Y/N on the couch looking like a couch potato and looking horrible after everything that happened, I immediately rush to her side while Shawn, feeling like a third wheel sits down on a chair, after about 5 minutes he says, "hey do you want me to make you something?" Y/N nods and Shawn walks to the kitchen to whip up something for her. This seems like the perfect time to pitch the idea to Y/N of moving to California with me, I look into her eyes and say, "hey Y/N I was wondering if maybe you and Olivia would want to move to California so that way I can protect you guys from anything because I don't anything happening to you two." I ask her hoping she would say yes, she looks at me and says, "I would love to Charles because I don't wanna be in the same city as James, I just feel unsafe here, let me just tell Olivia when the hospital says we can visit her." 

I hug her tightly with happiness growing inside me, but then she says, "wait what about my job?" She says to me a bit worried but then I say, "that's isn't a problem, California has a ton of jobs for music producers." She says, "oh okay" with a sigh of relief but then she says, "where am I gonna live?" She asks, I tell her she can live with me and Olivia can too, I have lots of room anyway. She responds with an okay and Shawn comes back with noodles and a glass of water, and, once again, Y/N starts devouring it. Shawn looks at me and I give him a look that says, "don't judge her." He chuckles and pretends to not see Y/N devouring that bowl of noodles, he thought it was kinda weird for a girl to be eating like that while I thought it was adorable. When she finishes she gets a call, it's the hospital. "We can see her," she says.

A/N: Dang I am on a roll today, maybe chapter nine will come out soon?? Who knows, depends if I feel like it.

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