Chapter Four: A Charlie Surprise

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"Olivia come on we're gonna be late, and you know how our boss hates it when we're late!" I shout from the downstairs of our living room. "Okay hold on!" Olivia shouts back from the bathroom.

***Two minutes later***

"Okay, I'm ready!" Olivia says as she heads downstairs. We head out the door of our apartment complex and get an Uber. We arrive at Big Spin Records on time, surprisingly. Olivia and I head to the studio to work on the music for our clients. 

***A/N: I don't know how producers work or what they do in the music industry, so if you know don't be mad because I'm just making up what I think they're doing***

***3 Hours Later***

"Hey I'm gonna head out for lunch, you down?" Olivia asks me, I respond, "Nah I can't I still have to edit some of the music, so I'm just gonna have lunch here, I brought like a salad so I'll be fine." "Ok, suit yourself," Olivia says, and heads out the door. As I continue working, I feel someone hug me from behind.

Charlie's POV:

I put on a disguise before I walk out of my hotel, just in case the paparazzi notice me. I put on a hat, sunglasses, and a white t-shirt with black ripped jeans with white converse. I head out the door and get an uber to head to Big Spin Records. When I enter the building, I say I'm here to surprise Y/N L/N, they say if I have a pass, so I take off my disguise and they immediately recognize me as Charlie Puth. They give me a pass and they let me enter, they say Y/N studio is on the 10th floor of the building. I enter the elevator and I pass Olivia when I get out of the elevator. 

"Hey Olivia," I say to her, she responds "oh hey Charlie!" I ask her, "so which studio is Y/N, cause I'm here to surprise her today." I say with a smile just thinking about her, "oh that's sweet, she's in studio 11, she's gonna be happy you're here." I say thanks to Olivia and head to studio 11. I open the door and there she is with headphones on. I walk up to her and hug her from behind.


I question who would randomly hug me from behind. I take off my headphones and I hear a familiar voice, a voice I just heard last night, whisper in my ear. "Hey," he said, and it was Charlie, I hug him really tight and I kiss him on the cheek. He looks at me a little surprised but then he kisses me on the lips. We pull away and he says with a smile, "so what are you working on?" I say, "just something for one of my clients, so what are you doing here?" He says, "I came to surprise you, so, SURPRISE, and also I'm here to take you on our first date." I smile at him and then say with a little-stressed look, "I can't, not until I finish this song." "Then I'll help, after all, I am a singer" I smile and Charlie helps me out with the song, after only 10 minutes we finish up and I get my bag. I tell my boss I'm done for the day and then I text Olivia:

Y/N: Hey I'm done in the studio, heading out with Charlie for our first date, I'll meet you back at the  apartment

Olivia: Ok cool, have fun with Charlie! :)

Y/N: Thanks, luv u 

Olivia: Luv u too

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