Chapter Three: The Move

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(AND, Charlie hugs you, you start blushing at him)

***This is how I'm gonna write from now on so***

Charlie POV:

I think to myself, "dang she's so cute"


I start blushing at Charlie when he hugged me. Olivia starts to look at me in shock, but then quickly snaps out of it when she sees Charlie staring at her. "we better get going, I don't wanna wake up late for work tomorrow", Olivia says. I say goodbye to Charlie and he says bye back. When we get into the car Olivia immediately starts to say, "WOAH! I AM SPEECHLESS, MY BEST FRIEND! MY BEST FRIEND! IS NOW GONNA GO ON A DATE WITH CHARLIE PUTH!" I say to her, "Woah, Woah, slow your roll, we're just friends now, I literally started talking to him just 10 minutes ago for the first time." Olivia gives me this look like, yeah, ok sure JUST friends. "Stop giving me those weird looks," I tell her. "I'm not giving you any weird looks," Olivia says sarcastically. "Whatever,"I and Olivia arrive at the apartment 30 minutes later. When we arrive, I get a text:

CP: "Hey, quick question, where do you work?" 

Y/N: "Why?"

CP: "I just wanna know..."

I get a little suspicious but I tell him anyway, maybe he just wants to get to know me better 

Y/N: "I work at Big Spin Records downtown, I'm a music producer"

CP: "Oh cool, you're in music too! Okay well good night

Huh well that was odd, I thought to myself, I do my nightly routine and head straight to bed 


A/N AHHH sorry for a short chapter, I'm writing the next chapter soon, and it's gonna be longer than this one!

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