Chappy 1

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(A/N) Hello everyone it's yo Daddy here!! Jk! Jk! So here is chappy one hope you like. Don't forget to vote and/or comment

💣Katsuki's POV 💣

I woke up to my chest hurting slightly and when I sat up I felt like my cheat was really heavy. Maybe it was the curry. I stood up and went to my mirror. My eyes widened at the sight.


"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU YELLING SO EARLY IN THE DAMN-OH!" The old hag yells slamming my door open. And she lectures me about slamming doors. "Masaru!! Get in here now!" Mom shouts.

"No! Don't let him in!!" I scream in my newer more high pitched voice. "Nevermind!" The old hag says slamming the door shut. "How did this happen darling?!" She asks surprised. "That Damn witch!" I say. "What?!" The hag says.

"There was this woman who had a quirk called Witchcraft and I yelled at her and she said some weird words and threw a pink ball of light at me." I explained. "Oh well who knows how long this will last so put on this training bra and let's go shopping!" She squeals. I was about to deny but I needed supplies for my new body.

😱Two terrifying hours later😱

"N-NOOOOOOOO!!! WHY ME?!!" I scream after we finished shopping and the hag had a woman's talk with me. "Blood comes out from down there?! For seven days?!" I say pulling my knees closer to me. "Yep! It is called a period. That is what these are for." She says holding up a tube like thing and a thing that was wrapped in a colorful wrapping.

"This is called a tampon. It goes up in your-" "AHHHHH OK OK OK GOT IT!" I scream cutting her off. She just laughs. "And this one is called a pad it goes on your underwear so the blood won't leak everywhere." She says and I nod just trying to get it over with. "Ok so here are your new clothes and bras and Lady things. Good thing today was Saturday!!" The hag says. I grab the bag and run into my shitty dad. "Oh hello young lady are you Katsuki's friend?" He asks. "OLD HAG!! TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED!!" I scream storming passed him and into my room. I walk to my closet and push everything to one side and hang all my new stuff up separately. "I'm not getting rid of my other clothes just in case." I say and fold up the remaining stuff and rearrange my dresser so all my old clothes are in the bottom two and my newer stuff is in the top four.

I flop onto my bed and close my eyes. I began to fall asleep when I hear a loud yell.

"WHAT MY YOUNG BOY IS NOW A GIRL?! HOW!!??" I hear my shitty dad yell. I sigh and roll over. "Maybe now that I'm a girl I should start acting like one. What about this...Daddy. Momma? WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?!" I scream frustratedly and mash my head into a pillow.

⌚Time Skip⌚

I wake up to a loud beeping noise. "Ugh!" I groan as I sit up. "Time for school." I say getting outta bed and walking to my closet and pulling out a shirt and skirt and my usual uniform jacket. Well I had to buy a new one the other was four sizes too big.

I grab a my bag and walk down stairs. I grab a piece of toast with jam and walk out the door. While walking I spot that shitty nerd a few feet away and was about to say something but stopped myself. I took the long way to school and got there 5 minutes before the bell rang. "Damn what am I supposed to say?!" I whisper yell as I stand outside the door. I open it and walk in.

"Oh hello! Who are you? You look quite familiar!" Round face asks. I grit my teeth. "HOW CAN YOU NOT RECOGNIZE ME!!" I scream. "B-bakugou-kun?!" She asks jumping back. "Yeah!" I say sitting in my seat almost putting my feet up but the remember I'm a girl. "Oh yeah totally. You're Bakugou. Cause he's totally a chick." Shitty hair says. "Grrr!! I AM BAKUGOU!! DAMNIT YOU SHITTY RED HAIRED LOSER!" I scream. "Yep it's hi- I mean her?" He says confused. "I was attacked by a bitch with a quirk called witchcraft. She put some kinda spell or curse or some shitty thing on me and now I am stuck like this. HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS!?" I scream shaking round face by her shoulders. She and the rest of the girls laugh. "Sit down and shut up class has start-who're you?!" Scarf-sensei asks. I explain everything to him and he just continues with his lesson.

When our hero class began I got a new costume requested and a new gym outfit. But when it came time to change I didn't know where to go. I walked into the boys room and began to change. "Whoa!! Bakugou! I know you were a dude and all but now you're not so you should go to the other room!" Shitty hair says blushing. I look down and blush. "Oh yeah." I say and pull my shirt back over my head. I began to walk out when I heard something that ticked me off.

"Whoa Bakugou is a hot chick. Her breast size has to be around DD!" I hear grape face proclaim. I grab him and throw him on the ground. A light blush covered my face. "Stop saying things like that and for your information they are size 34 DDD!" I shout walking out and into the girls room. "Bakugou! We were wondering where you were!" Ponytail says. I just click my tongue and walk to a stall and began changing. When I finished I walk out and blush slightly when I see all the other girls changing together. "Are you all not embarrassed to change together?!" I ask. "No we are all girls here!" Pink chick says. "O-oh!" I say walking out.

⌚Time Skip⌚

I get back to the classroom only to be jumped on by grape face. "Hmm?! The are real!" He exclaims slightly groping my new chest. "What. The. Fuck. ARe. YOu. DOING!!??" I yell throwing him across the room and into a wall. A dark blush had littered my face. I stormed out of the classroom and stomped all the way home. When I got there I slammed the door open and shut and stomped up to my room. I fell onto my bed and sighed. "I. Hate. This." I say still blushing.

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