Chappy 10

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I sat up in my bed. I turned to Shoto. I smiled and got up I took a few steps then fell to the ground! A striking pain was stabbing in my stomach. "Ah?!" I shout. Shoto shot up and was by my side in seconds. "What's wrong?!" He shouted. "I-I don't know!! It's way too early for the baby to be coming! I am only three months in!!" I scream. He picks me up and carries me all the way to Recovery Girl's room.

"Help! Please! Someone!" Shoto shouted not even caring it was 8:30 in the morning. "What is it? Oh!" Recovery Girl said coming out of the back. "Set her down! I will take a look!" She said and pushed Shoto out.

She pulled out an ultrasound and placed the gel on my stomach and began moving the little thing around. "Just as I feared. You can come back in dear!" Shoto walked back in. "I must call Aizawa and Nedzu. Stay here." She said and waddled away.

She came back a few moments with a cranky Aizawa and a peppy Nedzu. "I am so sorry to inform you but if you do not undergo surgery now you will never be able to give birth to a child." Recovery Girl said. My eyes widened. "But what...?" I asked and trailed off.

"When you were turned into a girl it was an amateur job and your womb was not fully formed and it has now ruptured." She explained more into detail. "Oh no." Shoto said. "But wait! Does no one here see the bigger picture?! What about my baby?! What happened to my baby?!" I screamed crying.

Nedzu and Aizawa looked down. "I am sorry to inform you, Miss Bakugou, your child no longer lives. You have undergone a miscarriage." Nedzu said and Recovery Girl nodded.

I choked on my breath. "No!" I cried. Shoto came up to me and hugged me. I just cried and held my stomach. "I need all of you to leave so i can perform the surgery. Go!" Recovery Girl said and everyone left. Shoto reluctantly let me go.


Recovery Girl sighed as she walked out the door. "She is ok now and will be able to return to class the upcoming week." She told Aizawa. I just sat there and stared out the window. I held a small box. It wasn't just any box. Inside was the body of my three month old fetus.

Tears ran down my face. Shoto walked in and immediately came to hug me. "I am so sorry! Katsumi!" He said as a tear fell down his face. "My baby! My poor baby!!" I cried into his shoulder. A few people entered the room. "Kacchan? I just wanted to give my regards." He said and held out a white flower. Beside him, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sero, Uraraka, and the rest of the class stood there with white flowers. Most if the girls had teary faces.

I held the small coffin closer to my chest. "I-I don't know what to say! Thank you! Thank you all!!" I cried.


A week passed and the funeral for my baby was today. My mom came and greeted me hugging me. Endeavor even payed his respects. "We are all gathered here today to pay respects to the young child that never got to see the light of the new world or see her mother's face. The baby was determined female and was name Yuki Todoroki. The mother would like to say a few things. If she would please step up." The Pastor said.

I slowly walked up the steps, "Thank you." I say and hug him. He nods and steps down. I clear my throat. "My name is Katsumi Bakugou. Soon to be Todoroki. About a year ago I wasn't even female but a fight will a villain changed my whole life. I was given the worst talk of my life and forced to wear a metal and cloth death trap. A few days later I was signed up to marry a boy I never liked. I hated my parents for it but i soon fell in love with that same boy before long. He helped me through so much and even tried to save my life when I was captured and raped by the villain known as Dabi. He helped me get through that depression and once I was saved I found out I was three weeks pregnant with his child. He stayed with me through everything. *sniff* Almost four months pregnant and he helped me through it all." I cried my mascara most likely running down my face.

"I woke up a week ago and fell to the ground with a sharp stabbing pain in my stomach, I was rushed to Recovery Girl and found out my womb had ruptured and it killed my baby. I already had the next five birthday's planned. I had already pinned so many baby things to buy and was so ready to have this baby. But that opportunity was ripped away, but I know I'll get through it with help of my friends and my fiance. I am sorry but I can't help but cry over my baby, Yuki I wish you the best in your next life and just know that Mommy loves you." I cried out.

Shoto came up and hugged me and everyone had tears in their eyes. "Yuki will be missed by me, Katsumi, and all of her grandparents. I can't say I know all the pain Katsumi is going through but I can say that I am indeed in pain, Yuki, daddy loves you and always will." Shoto said and we walked back to our seats. My mom hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes. "If that is all to be said we will began the memorial service." The pastor said and stepped down as everyone began to place a white flower down.


I walked home hand in hand with Shoto. Graduation is in a few weeks and our wedding will be held a month afterwards. We were so busy planning. But we threw all that away for the day and just sat in each others company. Could you blame us? We just laid our child to rest. We were not gonna just get back to work. Even Endeavor took a few days off. Our families had just grown a hundred times closer. And soon we would just be one big family.

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