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soonyoung walked into the dorm, after looking at the entire school he was ready to just sleep. another suitcase was in the living room so he assumed that his roommate was already there. although he was too tired to investigate so he walked into a bedroom and fell onto the bed.

he expected soft pillows and a blanket but instead he fell ontop of a person.

"get off!" they yelled from under him. soonyoung quickly got off and the blanket turned out to not be a blanket, it was an oversized sweater and a small boy was drowning in it. soonyoung flushed red looking at the boy, his cute angry face that he couldn't take him seriously.

"sorry! im soonyoung!" he introduced and the boy sat up, grabbing specs from the bedside table and putting them on. "yeah im jihoon and you just fucking squashed me" he rolled his eyes.

"sorry about that" soonyoung smiled. "im a music major, i do dance. what about you?"

jihoon looked up at him, "im a triple major. i do musical arts, dance, and astronomy"

soonyoung wondered how the hell he could handle all of those majors. "how? astronomy doesn't really fit in with the other two."

jihoon shrugged, "i like stars and space. but i also like music and dancing. makes sense to me"

"i guess. well im sorry about the whole jumping on you thing." soonyoung strached the back of his neck awkwardly and he smiled at jihoon. "its fine. just dont jump on me anymore, you'll break me" jihoon smiled.

soonyoung nodded and grabbed his bags, leaving to the other room. as soon as he closed the door he freaked out. 'hes the cutest thing ever!' soonyoung thought and stuffed his face into the pillow.

he pulled out his phone and immediately called the one person who he knew that would answer.

"yeah hyung?"

"seungkwan i just saw the cutest boy ever and hes my roommate!"

"well what does he look like?"

"small. hes so tiny and small, like its so adorable. then his eyes are like little lines that fit so perfectly on his face. then his voice is just so smooth and gentle seungkwan i love him already"

"i like him. whats his name?"



"hes a triple major. dance, music, and astronomy"


"we cant even handle one major. you got yourself a fucking man. take him before he dates someone else."

"alright. thanks seungkwan, have fun with your roommate"

"yup, bye hyung"

seungkwan hung up and soonyoung smiled again, letting out a small fanboy shriek into his pillow. he got back up and decided to start unpacking his bag.


"so your friends are both dance majors as well?" jihoon asked and took another bite of his pizza while he lazily laid back on the couch.

soonyoung nodded, "yeah but seokmin took in music so you might see him sometime. what about your friends?"

jihoon thought for a second. "seungcheol does music too. jeonghan is in art, jisoo is taking physics."

a small silence, "sounds interesting."

jihoon nodded and grabbed another slice. "im going to eat this then go to bed, im really tired because i had to take a plane here"

soonyoung glanced at jihoon, "where did you come from?"

"busan" jihoon took a big bite of his slice, soonyoung was surprised of how much the small boy could eat.

"thats cool, but why didn't you just go to university there?" soonyoung picked up his cup and took a sip of his cola.

jihoon sighed, "well i wanted to move here because they have better schools"

soonyoung nodded, "understandable. i hope you like it here" he smiled.

the smaller nodded and finished his slice, shoving the crust into his mouth.

"im gonna turn in, goodnight soonyoung"

"night jihoon."


soonyoung had just closed his eyes when a small knock sounded on his door. "come in" he answered and sat up.

the door opened and a small mop of blonde hair poked in. jihoon looked down, "c-can i sleep w-with you?" he asked, his voice was hoarse and light. soonyoung almost couldn't hear him.

"of course, whats wrong?"

jihoon shuffled inside and shut the door behind him. he walked to the bed and slipped under the covers next to soonyoung. "i don't wanna talk about it"

soonyoung nodded and turned off the light. he was hesitant and not sure if he should ask again. the older male just laid down and closed his eyes. what he didn't expect was that jihoon would attach to him.

the small boy hid himself in the folds of the blanket and soonyoungs defined chest, small snores escaping his lips. soonyoung smiled and took it as a time to admire his ethereal beauty.

jihoons soft hair, his cute little scrunched up nose. the way his lips curled and his cute small hands that fit in soonyoungs one hand.

it was that night that became the beginning of their everything.

im bad at first chapters lmao gonna die


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