Beautiful Dreamer 2

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Kailina flopped onto the couch lazily, happy that she was away from her dad, Aizawa, he was stressing her out with how much worrying he was doing. He had her stressed out for him with how much he was worried, which she did not understand,the sooner he let her go, the less pain he felt.

This was not her first time disappearing,and they both knew that it would not be her last. Kailina was finishing of her bucket list. First she rocked climbed in the Grand Canyon, did the Shark Cage, traveled and so much more. Aizawa was afraid of her leaving him, but ever since the accident when she was six, things changed. Shaking her head as if the memories would fly out, she turned on the television trying to mentally prepare herself for school.


"Shit!," Kalina yelled as she woke seeing that her clock read 10:00am in bright red letters. Quickly she rushed to do her morning routine, she dressed in her uniform, shoving her hair coiled hair into a messy bun as she rushed out. Aizawa would be highly upset with her for being so late. It was her first day and already she was making a bad impression. Making it outside she realized that it was pouring ice cold rain.

"Why me?," she said as she held her black unicorn back pack over her head. Kailina ran, her black combat boots kept most of the water out. Her feet slammed onto the ground as bypassers stared at her in confusion.

As she ran she tripped, skining her two toned knee, her dark blood mixed into the rain, before turning into a red mist. Cursing mentally, she kept running until she reached U.A,she stopped to catch her breath and sighed. Taking on a brisk pace to the class, trying to open the door silently she sighed seeing all eyes on her disheveled look. Her thick long hair was lopsided and hanging  out,her knee was bleeding, her uniform soaked as her combat boots muddy.

"Sorry I'm late, its my first day sir, " she said to the blonde haired man who was smiling brightly.

"Who are you?," he asked her.

"Kailina Yume Shouta," she told him,"its pronounced Ka-I-lee-na, " she told him as many got it wrong.

"Find a seat,I'm All Might...," he said trailing off as she rung her deep brown and burgundy hair out water poured onto the outside door way as she walked in and took a seat at the back of the class. All eyes seemed to follow her, as she sat staring at them, some decided to turn around.  Yet one pair of eyes in particular caught her attention,they were a deep emerald green. The owner smiled nervously before facing the muscle bound teacher, who's suit looked ready to burst off. As she sat in class, she tried to focus, but he was moving his lips too fast for her to pay attention. Apparently no one read her file well enough to know that she's deaf. Seeing everyone stand and exit, she knew the class was over as she gathered her items. Feeling a hard body bump into her she looked up to see a blonde haired red eyed boy.

"Excuse you, " she told him smiling sarcastically.

"Watch yourself next time cow, your hair was blocking my fucking view!," he yelled loudly as some students turned to see her reaction. Due to her vitiligo and her being curvaceous, the cow term went both ways, except there was a problem with his insult.Kailina was still in her bag, not noticing the anger building in the red eyed boy as she strolled pass him to the next class.

"I'm talking to you!," he yelled after her, yet she blended into the crowd of  students, not hearing a word.

"I think you should calm down," Todoroki told Katsuki as he passed.

"Shut up you bastard, " he snarled following the rest to the next class.

" Did you see those thighs, her butt can barely fit that skirt. Such beauty will not escape my grasp," Minoru said as he began to shove past people to find her. Many girls were slim and in shape,yet she was curvaceous with a plump bottom and full breast, she wanted him to touch them he knew it.

Beautiful Dreamer (Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now