Chapter 10 Chloe

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Hi Author here,
I actually do love this song. And hope you like it as well. I love you reader and keep on reading!
The rest of our long weekend was nice. Anytime Blake got me alone he's kiss me and do other things. Cole and Matty's date went amazing they haven't left each other's side. And Matty being Matty whisky Cole away sometimes to do the nasty. Which Cole does not mind one bit.
         Owen and Zander actually met two girls that I knew from my day when I use to Street Fight. Her name is Octavia like from The 100 but in my opinion she is a lot more badass. And the other is Zoey, and she has one hell of a kick. Owen and Zander swear their in love with them. I actually got to fight them again and it felt good. Though Matty and Blake swore they were ten seconds away from jumping in thinking I was in trouble.
         It's Monday and Blake said he'd be picking me for school to show me off to everyone. Sarah laughed through the phone "I can just see Chloe's face. Oh and she would have steam coming out her ears" Sarah laughed and I could hear Gus in the back ground. I smirked and laughed along with her, she was right. Blake pulls up as I am still laughing, so he honks his horn at me. "I got to go someone is BEING IMPATIENT!" I shout to Blake, who laughs. "Alright see you soon" Sarah tells me and I hang up the phone.
         I get into Blake's truck and he looks at me "Matty coming" he asked with a frown "no. Matty went to pick up Cole and introduce himself to Cole's parents" I tell Blake. "How they take it" asked Blake "at first they yelled at him. But me opening my mouth shut them up fast" I tell him and Blake laughed. "That's why I love you Babe" he says kissing my cheek "hope that's not the only reason" I say back. "Oh it's not" he said winking at me and I blushed while shoving him, Blake laughed and started the truck.
         We arrive at school and I get out and everyone stares shocked. Matty runs over to me and hugs me, Cole then hugs me as well. "What your parents think" I asked "they genuinely liked him" said Cole and I smiled. "They better or I'll give them another ear full" I tell Cole and he laughs in response. "I swear to God Gus stop "we hear Sarah and look to her and Gus. Zander and Owen also joined us with Octavia having Zander's arm wrapped around her. And Owen had his arm draped over Zoey's shoulder.
         "BLAKEY!" we all hear a nails scrapping on a chalkboard voice we all groaned in response. Chloe jumped on Blake and it took everything in me not to punch the shit out of her. "Chloe get the hell off" Blake growled shoving her off of him. "But Blakey" she wined "he said get the hell off" I growled and I saw everyone take a step back. "Ugh why are you annoying me and my boyfriend" she said stomping her foot "he's not yours" I growled tightening my fists and clenching my jaw.
         "Hey boo better calm down a bit or you'll snap your jaw" Matty pointed out I took a deep breath and unclenched my fists and jaw. I then grabbed Blake's hand and pulled him away. "Stop right there Bitch you can't take my Blakey" said Chloe and I stopped dropping Blake's hand. "Matty did she just call me a bitch" I asked him even though I knew what she said. "Everyone back up three steps" Matty told everyone and they all did so; well except Chloe.
         I walk up to Chloe and do a classic kickboxing moves. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. I then front kick her turn around and back kicker as well. Chloe goes down screaming in pain saying "you broke my nose again" "call me a bitch ever again. And I'll do worse" I say threatening her as Blake pulls me away from Chloe. "Just breath Babe" Blake whispered to me as we walk into the school building.
         In second period I was called to the principal's office. I explained to him what happened and he was on my side. But he still had to punish me so I got two days of after school detention. Which sucked but at least it wasn't a week or two, so I'm not complaining.
         So I am sitting in the detention room with Chloe staring daggers at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I tell her and she just scoffs at me. "Why did you steal my Blakey" she growled at me "he was never yours to begin with" I tell her and she glares at me again. "Everyone May leave" the teacher says I was up with all my stuff and gone. If I see Chloe again it'll be to damn soon.
         I get to Blake and I jump on him and kiss him. "Get me the hell away from here and her" I say and Blake smiles "I'll even transport you to another place" he said smiling. "And where would that be" I asked "my bed" he said I jumped down and ran to the passenger side and got in. Blake got in to and he started driving down the road. I turned on the radio and that first song that came on was M.I.A. by Why Don't We. I immediately started singing along with the song "if I got a day off, then it's date night. I've been saving this time; especially for you".

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