Chapter 20 Grandpa

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         "Grandpa?!" I say "what are you doing here" I asked him as I walk towards him. "I came to see my Granddaughter" he told me the next thing I knew he slapped me. "How could you be so stupid!" he shouted at me, Blake shoved my Grandpa away and looked at me. I felt my cheek still stinging, but I looked past Blake. "What The Hell Do You Mean!?" I shouted at him "You Got Yourself Pregnant!" he shouted back to me.
         "Why The Hell Do You Care! You Abandoned Me Into The Foster Care System!" I shouted back to him "Does Not Mean You Should Tarnish The Davenport Name!" Grandpa yelled at me. "Oh so this is about your ego" I say whiter now "why you ungrateful-" "William" I hear Grandma. "Why are you here" she asked trying to stay calm "beating some since into our Granddaughter" he tells her. "No she is my Granddaughter. You abandoned her" Grandma says and I smirk. "And this isn't your home anymore. You sold your shares and I bought them" Grandma told him "you have to call to come here".
         Furry filled my Grandpa and I just smirked. "That's means you leave" I added "or will call the cops" Grandma added onto my sentence. Grandpa stormed out of Blake and I's house then drove off kicking some dirt up. "God I hate him" Grandma said and I nodded in agreement. "Cassie are you ok?" Blake asked me as he looked at my cheek "yeah. But how does my cheek look" I asked him. "A little swollen" Blake tells me honestly "uuuugh" I groan.
"I'll got get the First Aid Kit" Blake tells me and rushes up the stairs. "He gots a nice ass" Grandma says "mhmm" I agree "wait?!" I say. Grandma laughs "don't check him out" I tell her as she continues to snicker away. "I wonder how he found out" I asked frowning now "don't know" she said serious now. "I think he's still mad that his son only had a girl" Grandma tells me "but I will take good care of the company" I tell her. "I know that. But your Grandfather is old fashioned" she tells me "one of the reasons why you guys divorced" I tell her. She nods as Blake comes down the stairs,
Blake being his over protective self made sure I only sat down for the rest of the day. Which I did not mind at all, because I got to take a long nap. That lasted till two in the morning when I had to go pee. I still couldn't understand why my Grandpa was so angry. He always wanted Great grand kids, but things have changed since then.

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