Chapter 24 Marry Us

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         Sarah finally got to come home and has been staying home and taking online classes at night. I take care of Peter when Sarah and Gus take a nap and shower. Though I can't feed him so I have to wake Sarah up which I feel bad about. Nicolas and Blake are slowly starting to get along with each other. Nicolas and I actually plan on celebrating our babies birthday next year. Which I am actually excited about.
         Sarah and I were told by the guys to look nice tonight which for us is hard. Because I am growing three human being and in maternity clothes. Which Sarah where's anything, but has a dash of spit up to go along. But we make it works.
         "Wonder what their up to" said Sarah as she burps Peter "not sure" I tell her. "But they better not be expecting us to look like Cinderella tonight" I tell Sarah and she laughs in response. I hear my phone go off and look to see Nicolas.
Nicolas: Hey
Cassie: Hey. What's up?
Nicolas: Nothing just board
Cassie: Poor you
Nicolas: I know :(
I laugh at him.
Cassie: Need a tissue?
Nicolas: Yes please and a tiny violin too
I die laughing and show Sarah the texts and she laughs along with me.
Nicolas: what you up to
Cassie: not much just getting ready for a double date
Nicolas: Isn't that so middle school
Cassie: Eh
Nicolas: well have fun
Cassie: K thanks
Nicolas: No problem
         I smile and put my phone down. "Alright let's me do your nails" I tell Sarah, who sits down. But she places Peter down in his crib first as she let's him sleep. "Pink or white" I ask her "white" she says "why" I ask. "So no one can tell if I get spit up on my hands" she tells me and we both giggle/whisper.
         I then curl Sarah and my hair then paint my nails black, because why not. Sarah puts Peter in his car seat that looks a little to big for him. But it's natural for him to look that way since he is two weeks old now. We both slip on our sneakers and walk down the stairs to see the guys waiting for us.
         "You girls ready" asked Gus "as ready as we can be" Sarah answers "alright let's go" said Blake. I look to see Star Gazer just laying down not really being himself. "What is it" asked Blake "somethings wrong with Star Gazer" I tell him. "I'm sure he's fine" says Blake and we walk away even though my gut tells me not too.
We get in Sarah and Gus's car and drive off. We stop at the park and get out the boys then tie blindfolds on us. They guide us to somewhere and we both kept asking if we could look. But of course they said no it was sad. We come to a stop "Alright take their blind folds off" I hear Blake command and our blind folds were took off. We look around to see fairy light in the trees and a fountain.
         We then look to Gus and Blake and see the most beautiful rings ever. "Sarah I have lives you since third grade when we met. Will you do me the honor of being my wife" Gus asked Sarah. "Cassie I have loved you ever since you stood up to me. And showed me that I am more than just the Bad Boy. But that I also have a life and heart" Blake tells me "so will you do me the honor of becoming my wife". At the same exact time Sarah and I both shouted "YES!" they guys placed the girls on our fingers. Then either hugged and kissed or just kissed us.
         Everyone was here except Mr. and Mrs. Stacks's who watch Star Gazer for me. But I knew they had to have known. After everyone congratulated us, we all decided to head home. I got out and hurried in to see Star Gazer, but stopped when I see Mr. and Mrs. Stacks looking sad.

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