Chapter 23 Nicolas

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         Gus and Sarah's baby boy is absolutely adorable they named him Peter after Sarah's Great Grandfather. Seeing them so happy reminded me of how it could have been. Which made me decide to text Nicolas.
Cassie: Can we met in an hour?
Nicolas: Yeah as long as your able to and well
Cassie: I am fine but thank you for worrying
Nicolas: it is no problem
I smile at the phone remembering how it use to be.

         I stare at Nicolas as he is sleeping peacefully. He had a long day of work, but still made time for me. He surely is my Prince Charming "Morning Cassie" he says peaking one eye at me. I blush and look away from him and to the ceiling. He chuckles causing me to blush even harder.
               But That was until that day.
         "Nicolas" I say coming in to find him drinking again. I had just worked a twelve hour shift and find him wasting our money again. "Nicolas Stop!" I shout and take the bottle away from him "give it back" he slurred at me. "No your drunk and wasting our money" I tell him "give me the bottle back woman" he said and stumbled at me. I moved making him fall to the ground.
         Nicolas gets up anger in his eyes. He then punched me and the face and keeps going. He doesn't stop not even a second. I try my best to block, but it was getting hard. I soon see black dots as my vision gets blurry, and finally I passed out.

         I walk in the restaurant door and look around to see Nicolas. He looked good a dark blue button up shirt with black pants and dress shoes. It almost seemed like a date, but then again I am wearing sweatpants, so not really. Plus I am pregnant and madly in love with someone else. I walk up to his and he stands up. I could tell he was nervous and I didn't blame him; heck even I was nervous.
         Nicolas pulls my chairs out for me and I sit down. "Sorry if I'm underdressed" I tell him "no it's fine" he said "I think I over dressed" he tells me honestly. I slightly smile at him "so what is it you wanted to talk about" I asked him. Nicolas took a deep breath then looked at me. "I have been clean for three years now" he tells me "congratulations" I tell him and he smiles. "And part of the process is I have to apologize to all the people I hurt" Nicolas tells me and I frown. "I get if you want forgive me-" "Nicolas I had forgive you two years ago" I tell him.
         "I still need to say it" Nicolas tells me and I nod "Cassie I am so sorry I almost killed you. And... and I am so sorry I killed our baby" he said tearing up. I am as well tearing up as I look away from him trying to keep it together. "I know what I did was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. I should have been a better man" he tells me as I look to him. Tears falling down both our faces. "Please if you can find it in you to forgive me" he said and he got down on his knees. I let him place his head on my knees as we both cried.
         I wipe my tears away and look at him. "Nicolas I forgive you. I know you weren't in your right mind" I tell him and he cry's harder. I pet his head like I use to as he cried and I comfort him. After our emotional break down we decided to eat and catch up.
         "Wow congratulations" he tells me as I tell him about my two year no drinking or smoking record. "Thanks" I say as we walk over to my Camaro "no bike" he asked "can't" I tell him. "Right because your pregnant" he said snapping his fingers and I nod. "If you ever want to visit me or our baby just let me know" I tell him and he nods. "So can we be friends" I ask Nicolas, he nods and we shake hands. "Friends" Nicolas says and then we hug, and go our separate ways.

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