Chapter Eight

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"Shut up, stupid bird," I hiss, when I wake up to the sound of infernal cawing, knowing automatically it is Poe.

"Hey kid, how do you feel?"

I groan and shield my eyes from the sunlight as I open them. I'm back in my hotel room, resting on my bed, feeling like I haven't slept in a millennia. My temperature does no service for me either, dipping up and down from boiling to freezing.

I find Lilu to my left, squeezing my hand like I'm on my deathbed. Seeing I'm fine, Lilu pulls me into a hug, squeezing me in a hug like I'm a rag doll. I'll never get over how dramatic he is. Helgi and Gavreel stand by my bed, observing the scene. Gavreel worries at her lip in concern while Helgi seems uncomfortable at the sight of us hugging. And Poe is perched on Helgi's shoulder doing a strange head dance.

"Yeah, peachy, let me go before you crush me to death."

"I can't help it. Why does everyone keep insisting on trying to give me a headache?" Lilu huffs, perching on the side of the bed, concern etched into his face. His hands go all over my face. "How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain? Wow, you really seem to have a temperature. How did this even happen?"

"How long have I been out?"

"You've been passed out for a few hours," Helgi answers while Lilu murmurs questions as he continues to examine me, "Hours after our... conversation, Poe began pestering me to follow you. I then found you passed out."

"Honey, what happened? Who hurt you?" Lilu goes into interrogation mode. "Tell me so I can cut them up into pieces and feed them to Eden."

Helgi holds a fist to his mouth, trying not to be sick.

"Nothing. I Just laid down and practised being dead," I groan. It's going to be really embarrassing to admit what actually happened. The last time I was awake I'm pretty sure I got my ass kicked by a damn perfume bottle. My pride is never going to recover.

"As much as I love you, I need you to start giving me some facts. You scared me. You've never been sick before."

"OK, now be serious. Who harmed you? Explain what happened," he states, face growing serious.

"Some woman called Maria followed me. She was here with a group of fans yesterday."

"Which woman?" Helgi asks.

"The oldest daughter of that Marcus doctor." If that even is her father. That family of hers could be fake and a complete set-up. I doubt she'd be dumb enough to jeopardize her family.

"She's a follower of Adam," I grumble, describing how she looks.

"Alright, what happened?"

"I got into a fight with someone and the person sprayed me in the face with some poison to knock me out. I should heal in a day or so," I wave him off, leaving out how it is designed to drain my powers and my immortality.

If I tell Lilu how severe the poison is, he will keep me under 24-hour surveillance with a whole bunch of doctors tending to me. I wouldn't be able to scratch my ass in peace, let alone find a cure. At the same time, he will be freaking out too much to concentrate on finding Adam. Shit is not going to get done that way.

"Do you have any other information about your attacker? Any at all?" his voice is tight as he contains his bloodlust.

I shrug and rub my temples to emphasize the fact I have a headache.

He sucks his teeth, not buying what I said completely. Like sniper rifles, his eyes lock onto Gavreel and Helgi.

"Where were both of you while this happened?" He asks Helgi and Gavreel to cover up how it is only Gavreel he is really suspicious of.

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