Chapter Twenty-Five

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He ran away.

It's not like I didn't expect that. It's what I get for falling for someone whose heart isn't available. I shouldn't have let my emotions take control. He seemed into it for the first few seconds, actually leaning in towards my face, nibbling my lip and going in for another kiss out of curiosity. I guess he then remembered his ex then left. That was hours ago.

Great, I drove away the main person who has been helping me out. Of course, I'd manage that.

I sigh as I step out of the shower, trying not to think about how mortified I feel. I dry off and pat down my face, catching my reflection.

I've recovered some colour in my face. But the appearance that stares back at me doesn't sit well with me. I always change my look when I take up a new persona. This time is different though. I'm retiring them.

I resist going to the shops to grab things to make a drastic change. I only clean myself up; smooth my blonde hair down so it doesn't look like a complete mess and select a navy shirt and black jeans to wear.

"Vanitas Lilium! Where are you, young man?! We're going to have words!" I hear an echo from downstairs.

Is that Lilu? But that can't be right. He doesn't know where we are—unless Helgi told him. Don't tell me he ratted me out because I kissed him.

There is a light knock on the door.

"Hey, Narcissus, your family is here," Beau warns me.

I grow anxious and walk back to the guest room, waiting for them to find me. They're going to be pissed I ran away, but I'm glad I'm going to see them again. I wasn't sure if I was going to.

I straighten up when heavy footsteps thunder down the hall which is followed by the door flying wide open.

"Oh my gods, you are here!" Lilu exclaims, storming over with an enraged expression. For a second, I think he's going to punch my face, but he rips me into a spine-crushing hug. "I missed you and I was so worried about you," he tells me behind grit teeth as though he is fighting the temptation to strangle me.

Marid stands behind him with folded arms and a death glare. No doubt he wants to sock me in the face. I can already hear the lecture brewing in his head yet, I can't find it in me to care.

I return Lilu's hug.

"I missed you."

He blinks a few times while everyone gawks at me like I've sprouted two horns and a tail.

"You better not be saying that to get out of a lecture," Lilu demands even though his voice has gone soft, like he might burst into tears, "You put us through hell. We couldn't find you anywhere. And when those tests results came back I thought you were kidnapped and were going to die."

"I was being blackmailed for the cure."

"You mean this thing that was left at Ascanius' house?" Marid questions, taking out a small vial from his pocket with 'cure' written on it with a sharpie.

I give it a dull look. Of course, Adam would make a fool out of me like this.

"He told me he won't give it to me if I contact you."

Lilu lets go and clenches his fists.

"I'm going to gouge out his eyes with his ribs."

"Before we do that, he will tell us the full story," Marid states, indirectly telling me to spill the beans.

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