Venomous Affection

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Yn's POV

"So we don't have much to go off of except for this" Safiya said and held up the note. Calliope pulled the map down from the wall and placed it in front of us. There was a new place on the map, Fat Man Slims. "Beware in wait. The Serpent's Eyes lie in wait" Joey read from the map. Suddenly there is this woman peaking her head into the room. Right as she sees us, she takes off. We all get up and chase after her. Roi is finally able to nab her and we bring her back inside.

"Tie her up" Calliope said and handed me a rope. I tied her up so well that not even the best escape artist could get free. "Damn Yn" Manny said. "Who did you kidnap?" "YouTubers have weird talents" I say. "What were you doing" Nikita asked the woman. "I'm looking for the same thing you are. The Serpent's Eyes." "She's been bit" Joey said and pointed to her neck.

"The Snake Woman bit me" the lady replied. "And she stole my husband." "Do you know anything about an artifact" I ask her. She shrugged. "Look for suits in the lounge." "You guys go. I'll stay and watch her" Calliope said. Then we walked back into the lounge. 

Right away, my mind thought of the suits on a card. If there is one thing that I can take away from doing this before, it's that nothing is ever literal. Suits that you wear would be too easy. 

Just then, Joey picked up a deck of cards and Safiya found a tray with a club on it. I realized that on the back of the cards, there was black marker. So I turned them around and connected the marker. The lines formed an 8. Manny then found a bottle of perfume, and 2 dice, which magically flew onto the tray.

Manny also saw a card with a diamond on it. He grabbed the perfume and began to spray the card. When we sprayed it, we found a map of the room with an X on it. Safiya and Colleen started looking around and found a secret door beneath a little stool. Inside of it was a clock with 4 hands, each with a different suit on it and they all pointed in different directions.

"Wait a minute" Matt said. "This looks like a clock." He bent down and made the hand with the club point towards what would be 1 o'clock. Then, he pointed the heart hand towards 8. "There's a 10 on the diamond card" Manny said. Matt pointed the diamond hand towards 10 o'clock. "What about the spade" Joey asked. We started looking around and Safiya found a hand that goes on the mini statue of liberty. The hand also had a huge ring attached to it. "It has a spade on it" Colleen said.

"What if we look through it" Manny suggested. Joey peaked into the whole and somehow managed to see the number 5 on a poster. Safiya put it into the clock and the popped up revealing 2 stones and a note. "This is the 2nd of the wicked artifacts" Teala read aloud. "To cleanse the Serpent's eyes, you must find the head of a great snake, place the eyes inside, and bathe it in the blood of a Serpent's heart."

Suddenly, I hear screams coming from the arcade and we run to check it out. There was a Snake Woman leaning over the lady we captured. Right as we were spotted, the Snake Woman ran off, and the only person that could possibly help us was dead. So we start searching the body to see if we could find something useful, and Colleen finds some matches. "It says meet me at 7:30, Cindy" Colleen said. "It's from Fat Man Slims" Joey said and pointed to the back of the box of matches.

We decide to head to Fat Man Slims, and right as we walk past the arcade, the Snake Woman appears out of nowhere and bites Roi. Then the Snake Woman ran away. "You've been poisoned" Calliope said. "And in 20 minutes, it will eat through your organs. You must create an antidote." "There is a drugstore over here" Mortimer said.

So since someone has been bitten, we have to split up so that some of us can make an antidote. I'd rather have us all look for something that can get us out of here, but the more people that end up surviving, the merrier.

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