Chapter 3

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They arrived at the address but there were no obvious signs of a party. It was disappointing for the guys, they were hoping for a rowdy group, that disappointment was dashed, though, when they stepped inside the house.

It was dimly lit and packed with gorgeous people, alcohol and weed filling the air, and the music that played was low but energetic.

"You know any of these people?" Jax asked Jake as they made their way around.

"No, not really," he shrugged.

"Recognize him?" Jax pointed to the man Katie was leaning up against, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist.

"Oh yeah, that's Kris," Jake said. "Some European guy she's close with."

"I'd call it close," Jax snickered. "Dude looks like a serial killer."

"The eyes right?" Jake laughed. "Real fucking creepy."

They watched Katie and Kris for a few minutes before they were interrupted by chatty women intrigued by their leather.

"You brought friends," Kris said to Katie in a low voice.

"My brother and his friend," she explained. "I didn't even know you were out here."

"Wasn't planned," he explained, "But I wasn't turning the trip down. Too many connections go to waste."

Katie nodded in agreement. "Right? Making money even when you're on another job."

"I thought this was personal?" His arm tightened around her as soon as he noticed Jax's eyes on them.

"It is, just some family shit, I'm just saying usually that's how it is," she shrugged. "How long you out here for?"

"Few more days," he pointed off in Jax and Jake's direction. "They know?"

"They do not," she started laughing. "Hey," she waved over at them. "Come here!" They dragged themselves away from the women she'd asked although they were not thrilled about it. "Just so you dummies know this is a couple's swingers party and you don't have mates to swap."

"Ah shit," Jake pouted.

"You two swappin'?" Jax asked with a sly look at Katie.

"No," Kris said, his slight accent making Jax dislike him even more. "I'm working."

"Working?" Jake's forehead scrunched up, just like Katie's did when they were confused.

"He's a party planner of sorts," Katie shrugged.

"What's up with this shady shit?" Jax asked outright. "What do you do, man?"

Kris's back tensed hearing Jax's tone. "I set people up. None of these couples really know each other, I facilitate their sexual escapades."

"A classy pimp," Jake laughed.

"Alright let's just have some fun," Katie chided. "Is there a backyard?"

"Yeah," Kris said. He quickly led them out to the yard, a pool and covered patio among the amenities. "Nice place, right?"

"Yeah, it is," Jax chuckled. "I think I'm in the wrong business."

As they sat he pulled a tin from under the table and opened it to reveal some weed and rolling papers. "Anyone wanna join?"

Jax, Katie, and Jake were interested and quickly the three were passing an expertly rolled joint around the table. It was all they needed to release any weird tensions or jealousy, they were laughing and joking happily in no time.

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