Chapter 1: It's nice to see you again

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I was no inquisitor, I had no role of note, I was but a mere soldier, one among many. I was a Templar, the inquisition was unknown to me until my friend Commander Cullen told me of them, he spoke so highly of them, and I knew him to be not one for flights of fancy if he wanted to leave to aid them, they were truly a force for good.

My fellow templar's seemed intent upon simply blaming the breach on the mage rebellion, I believed there was more to it, it had to be the evil of magic. The inquisition sounded like in mind to me, and I could not sit idle watching this breach tearing the sky asunder, so I joined the inquisition.

When I reached Haven I began training with Cullen. I only wore a basic shirt and trousers against the cold, as like the brisk weather, I did not feel the cold as keenly as others. The dynamic we once shared with the templar order seemed to shift, it was not so well defined, I felt unsure how to act, as I wanted to rib him, but I also wanted to show him respect, so I bit my tongue.

"It kills you to remain silent." He joked as the training exercise drew to a close, and the crowd dispersed.

"I wouldn't say it kills me not to tease you, I respect you too much to bring you down in front of the recruits" I confessed.

"Thank you." He smiled, giving a light nod.

We were about to leave when an elven mage wondered over to us, Cullen's body language became rigid, he glanced to me, he had the look of an animal caught in a trap. He broke his silence with stumbling shaky words "Herald." He exclaimed. "This is," he paused and looked to me as if he had no idea what I was to him, "an old friend, well not old, as she is very" his cheeks flushed. He took a deep breath and began again "This is Bethan. We were both templar's in Kirkwall, she was by far the best recruit. Her fighting skill is second to none, and her ability to focus in unwavering we are lucky to have her with us." He turned to me and continued "The Herald is a dalish mage here to aid us to close the breach"

The inquisitor looked amused by Cullen's sudden bashfulness, where I was confused, I couldn't tell if it was me or her putting him on edge. I couldn't recall him acting so anxious in Kirkwall, or maybe my memory betrayed me.

"It is nice to meet you Bethan, that is high praise from our commander, So you were stationed in Kirkwall during the mage rebellion?"

"Yes, it was a nightmare... so many innocents caught in-between, so many templar's and mages needlessly killed." I sighed heavily recalling the horror of the bloodshed.

"So where did you stand?" She asked plainly.

"Me?" I exclaimed, wondering why my opinion even mattered.

"Yes, you do not have the look of your fellow templar's, I have met my fair share, you don't seem suspicious of me, nor do you have that weary look of the effect of lyrium."

"Ah well I do not share the urge to oppress mages, I like Cullen see them as people, so they should be treated as such. As for the lyrium, I am seemingly quite immune to the side effects, it runs in my family. And because of this we lived longer than most other templar's, except for my brother who died in battle."

Her eyes took on the look of concern, "I am sorry for your loss. And I am glad to hear your stance upon mages, it's refreshing to know that there are a few good templar's, your views can't have earned you many friends."

"No you're right it did not, I was seen as a mage lover, but I did not care I will do as my conscience dictates, orders be damned." I realized after I said it I was talking to the woman in charge, and she may take issue with that. I winced, taking my hand to my forehead, I groaned inwardly.

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