Chapter 3: The red lyrium trial

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When I woke I recalled the direction my life was about to take and I felt weary at the thought. I had been called a traitor many times by my fellow Templar's when aiding the mages, but it had been when I was acting upon my conscience so it felt justified despite the difficulty. Being undercover would require I do some unsavory things and I would have to be labelled a traitor by the very inquisition I was aiding. This would feel different.

I dressed slowly glancing at my dose of lyrium, the blue glow now seemed innocuous, and safe in comparison to the red lyrium I was soon to replace it with. I cleaned up and put my armor on slowly piece by piece, this wouldn't protect me from a red Templar, if they even accepted me as one of them. I sighed heavily. My mornings used to be about focus and calm, but today I could not find that peace, I just wanted to get this red lyrium trial over with.

I knocked upon the War Room's heavy door, as my knock resounded through the corridor I wondered if anyone else was awake. Heavy footsteps answered my question, the door creaked loudly, I was greeted by the heavy-lidded eyes of that red-haired woman, I think she was the spymaster, or so I had been told.

"Yes?" She pressed looking a little harassed.

"Sorry to bother you. But I need to speak with Commander Cullen."

A sense of mischief seemed to spark in her eyes, "Cullen." She called. "Bethan is here to help you test how sturdy the war table is, again." She put much emphasis on the 'again'.

My cheeks ran hot with her insinuation, only because I couldn't say I hadn't thought about it. I could only imagine Cullen face, and that mildly amused me. I felt guilty when I entered the room and see the blush crossing over his face. He didn't dignify their teasing with a response, I would myself have been amused and even joined in had I not been part of the joke myself.

"I don't believe I know your name?" I stated turning to the woman who had answered the door "Ah, Yes. My name is Leliana, I am the spymaster." She added with a slight Orleasian twang.

The well-dressed woman beside her in silk, her shirt had so many ruffles but somehow she managed to pull off with an air of dignity. "I do apologize things have been hectic as you can imagine, so manners have taken a backseat. I am Josephine the ambassador of the inquisition."

"It is nice to finally, put names to your faces." I smiled.

"Well I can see by the demeanor of our commander that he wishes alone with you." Lelianna gave a wry smile in his direction.

They made themselves scarce, giggling the whole way. At least this had given them some good humor as it looked like for them is had been a long night, or difficult morning, all showing signs of fatigue. I turned to Cullen, his shoulders looked tense, I had to push aside the urge to take my hands to his shoulders. "You look tense." I remarked trying to dispel these thoughts.

"It has been quite a long night, and an exhaustive morning." He confessed with a heavy breath.

"You haven't slept?" I exclaimed feeling for the advisers, I wondered if people knew how hard they worked, and the choices they had to agonize over. I couldn't help it I rounded Cullen's chair; he almost jumped out of his skin when my fingers took under his furs.

"What are you doing?" He squeaked.

"I was just going to...never mind." I stated hastily beginning to feel foolish for acting on my impulse. I rounded to sit in front of him my cheeks burning.

His expression was of curiosity and confusion for a moment before his expression changed. His eyes were now trained upon me, and his brow furrowed.

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