Chapter 8: Home is...

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As I reached mine and Lucy's tent I saw Wystan standing outside. Lucy was beside him, her cheeks were ruddy as were his. I raised an eyebrow as it felt like there was an awkward tension. If I didn't know any better I would assume they had been flirting with one another. This idea made me smile, that would be so very human and this comforted me to think they might not be too far gone.

I nodded to them and I began to notice Lucy seemed more confident or just more talkative at the very least. "Wystan was telling me you are our healer and good fighter..Something to see during training."

Lucy smiled.

The compliment made me feel a little embarrassed, so I felt the need to say something. "I don't know about that. What skill do you bring to our cause?" I mused.

"I am an archer. I was a huntress by trade before I became a Templar. I will be providing cover and dinner so I have been informed." She looked shyly to Wystan.

Wystan piped up. "We should make our way to training. You do not want to be late. Trust me."

"What happens when you're late?"

"You will see," He added with a shudder as if he had made that mistake once.

We began to walk to the middle of camp, there was still a stillness to the camp so I could assume training had yet to begin, but the others were I assumed on the field already due to the silence. When we pulled into the vast clearing at the edge of camp I was taken back by the sheer numbers. I had spent so much time off to the sidelines I had not realized just how many red Templars there were, hundreds by my estimation and that wasn't counting the beasts in attendance. I wondered how many camps there were just like this one?

We joined the soldiers lined up awaiting orders. Lieutenant Cruise walked up and down the line, looking to us with what I assumed to be pride. Another soldier came bounding over. "Sorry I am late sir," he gasped.

"Watch carefully," Wystan whispered beside me.

I did intently as lieutenant cruise turned to him. "You're late soldier," He chided.

"It won't happen again, sir."

"You're right, it won't. Brennan care to teach our recruit the importance of rules. You lagged behind and your fellow recruits may suffer the consequences. So you will do the same."

Brennan stepped forward, no longer a man but a full beast. The transformation was complete. His breath was labored and he walked awkwardly, but his size and appearance held to his intimidating visage. He loomed over the poor recruit who looked as if he was trying his best to hide his fear. I was on tender hooks wondering what would happen next as from what I had seen of Lieutenant Cruise he was an intelligent man and a good teacher.

Cruise passed him a shield and sword. "Defend yourself." Was the only thing he advised the tardy recruit.

Brennan's skin seemed to pulse as he raged. Lyrium grew out of his hands, which sparked that constant thirst to fore of my thoughts. It took all my focus to not tear across and snatch the red from his hands and consume it in a crazed fashion. We watched the calm before the first attack. I wondered how they could run out of lyrium when the horrors could manufacture it themselves. Brennan threw the red lyrium shards like weapons toward the recruit who simply threw up his shield in defense, as the lyrium ricocheted it seemed to fracture it was so brittle, but this created a red mist about the recruit. The recruit began to back away, holding the shield up to repel any surprise attack. He was disorientated and confused as to the whereabouts of Brennan. The recruit was new to the effects and his reaction made that obvious as the lyrium was playing havoc with his senses. I could clearly see, Brennan pull in and drop low grabbing the recruit's foot, pulling him off his feet, sending him crashing to ground. The recruit was reeling with the impact and shock of the fall, and the burn of the lyrium, he had not expected the horror to do much beyond charge. I must admit I too had not thought they would have enough mind left to be tactical if that's what that was. It was worrying to know the power they held could be both controlled and so uncontained at the same time, it only made them dangerous.

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