Chapter 9: Friends and superior officers

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When I returned to the healing tent I found Lucy standing in the middle of it. She seemed to be shifting nervously. "Lucy?"

"Bethan, I need a favor?" She mumbled, her eyes barely holding mine.

"What is it?" I pressed, feeling suspicious of her anxious manner.

"Well, Wystan and I are, you know...and we were hoping you could be a look out for us...As we need privacy and Wystan's nervous about getting caught after the lecture they all received from the General. We will be quiet, just need privacy and Wystan trusts you, as do I. So please will you? While I am still human I would like to enjoy it."
I felt she was playing upon my conscience to persuade me. I felt backed into a corner by my own good nature. "Oh come on that is hardly fair," I exclaimed feeling annoyed by the guilt and burden she was now placing upon me.

"I know, but I can't imagine I will get another chance. I will be different soon. I am not like you and Wystan. The lyrium is already corrupting me," she sighed, her shoulders slumped.

She tried to give me doe eyes which failed miserably due to the bloodshot strain in her eyes from the lyrium which lessened the effect. I don't know how she did it but somehow she did manage to get me to begrudgingly agree. "Okay, fine," I relented.

The idea of being their look out made me feel a mixture of happiness for them as they seemed like good people to me, and awkwardness. I knew there was no one else they could go to who wouldn't just report them for it, so if I liked it or not it was now my role to protect their relationship for however long it lasted. Was it wrong to hope it wouldn't be too long? I had questions, as I had been a lookout for enemies but this was different.

"And what do I do if someone passes the tent?" I posed.

"Call them over very loudly so we can hear you."

"You don't think that will sound suspicious?" I mused.

"Maybe, if you think of something better then use it." She suggested, looking hopeful.

"You two had best not get me in trouble," I grumbled.

"Oh, thank you," She exclaimed, hugging me with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Lucy I need to breathe," I strained with the pressure upon my chest.

"Oops," she exclaimed with a mildly embarrassed smile.

"It's okay. I will help. You don't have to hug me into submission," I teased.

A wide grin crossed her face. "I still can't believe it. I found a good man and a good friend, here of all places," she shook her head as if in disbelief.

"The friend is you," she added as she gave me a parting smile, grabbing her bow and arrow.

"I am happy for you both," I remarked as she was leaving.

I felt flattered but unsure as to what to do with that information as I realized I wanted to be her friend...but how could I be when I was deceiving her. I sighed heavily feeling the weight press upon my shoulders.

I knew Lucy grabbing her gear without waiting for me meant that she was going out with the hunters like she had done many times. It drew my mind back to the past few days when I had discovered how Lucy truly was a talented archer as I had seen her practicing in the early morning. I think she only invited me to show off since she seemed to love the shock and awe she could draw from me with her pinpoint accuracy. The only others I had seen awake in the weak light of dawn were the beasts, behemoths, and Samson. Samson had begun to acknowledge my existence beyond serving lyrium doses and training. I couldn't be sure as it seemed so unlikely to me but I could swear he had at the very least a ghost of a smile when he addressed me I was unsure as to whether to smile back. Was it okay to smile at your red Templar general?

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