Chapter 7: New faces

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I awoke from yet another nightmare, feeling restless. The theme was always the same. I was no longer in control as I became a dangerous beast. I pulled myself up with care as my leg still did not bear weight well. The craving was always with me, it was a constant battle, having a focus could distract me be it only momentary, it was a reprieve of sorts. So I knew I had to go to the healing tent as I could keep myself busy in there. As I hobbled toward the healing tent I saw Wystan doing all he could to hold down a fellow Red Templar with the help of lieutenant Cruise. He was screaming in agony. His skin was no longer healthy; it now bore the pink tainted color, the veins bulbous. Lyrium grows were starting to pierce the skin, so I could only imagine the agony the poor man felt. He writhed, crying out his agony. He was in the midst of becoming a beast and he was in terrible pain, his eyes said it all. I grabbed a vial and rushed over, not sure how much good this would do him. It felt strange yet so natural to shout an order to my superiors. "Hold him still. Open his mouth."

They did as I asked. Dragging my injured leg behind me, I walked over. "Drink this for the pain," I stated looking directly into his wild eyes. He swallowed the potion as I poured it into his mouth.

It took some time but he settled a little. He was still in a great deal of pain as I could hear each deep breath was strained. Cruise and Wystan were finally able to let him go.

"I think we might need something more powerful than this potion," I muttered to myself, wracking my brains trying to think of where to gather the ingredients.

"Bethan. May I have a word?" Cruise stated, leading me away from the poor suffering Templar.

He guided me out of the tent, pulling me to the side. I felt a little weary. "Your ability is wasted in there, Bethan. I saw the speed in which you crossed the battlefield, not many Templar's can match the speed of a rogue. Why is the red lyrium not aiding your healing process?"

This was not what I had expected. I did not know how to respond, so the truth seemed the safest option. Cruise was smart and suspicious, so it wouldn't be wise to lie to him. "It runs in my family to be resistant to the ill effects of lyrium. I can only assume that is what is slowing the effects."

"That is very rare. I will confer with the General on this and we will see what we can do to get you back out there. These are all good troops, but I know a skilled fighter when I see one and I will not see you wasted behind the scenes." He seemed intent on getting me into battle. My break from the blood staining my hands would be short lived. I smiled, and simply stated "Thank you, lieutenant."

"However, your herbalism skills are appreciated, your potions have made things easier on the troops, and those further into the process."

I shouldn't have felt any sense of pride for aiding the red templar's, but Cruise was so genuine in his praise I felt myself a little swept up in it before I recalled he was my enemy. The boundaries were beginning to blur. I was getting to know those here, and I was known by them. I had to stay focused. I needed to bring these bastards down, but my injury had set me back. I am sure Sera had been grilled for that mistake.I returned to the healer's tent, lost in thought. I had to start thinking of ways to take them down.

"It has been an eventful morning. Brennan is becoming a better soldier. One day this will be me," I could only assume he was speaking to me or this was some kind of assurance for himself. There was a degree of pride in his words but I saw a look of fear in his eyes when I looked across at him taking to his side. I wondered if he was afraid of the pain and the idea becoming something else, less human?

"Can I ask you something?" I pressed recalling my initial intent.

"Of course. What is it?"

"What did you say to the General?"

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