Chapter 12: Welcome to the fold

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Given Samson's demeanor yesterday I remained among the recruits as we packed up the camp and moved out. I felt ashamed to see the hope in their eyes, like they felt they were going toward something good. If so, they mistaken and would be in for another cruel shock. The hand life had dealt them would have had them die on the streets. Was this better? I wasn't so sure.

I held a forced smile each time a new recruit looked to me, which eventually became gritted teeth held in what must have appeared manic grin. But they didn't seem concerned. The most aware recruits seemed weary. I had to ball my fists and dig my nails deep into my palms. I wanted so badly to warn them. I felt myself draw a deep breath as if I was about to say something but we had managed to make the journey faster than I had imagined, it was too late we has made it to the camp.

Their eyes widened, two men attempted to run but Templar horrors stopped them in their tracks. I took between the looming horrors and guided the shaken recruits away. They cast me despairing looks. They appeared to feel deceived or maybe that was my guilty conscience.

"You're not regular Templar's, are you?" Warren raised an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by the camp and all that dwelt within before him.

"No, we are red Templar's," I confessed.

"Fuck! I wouldn't have imagined you as one of them. I will do what I can to calm the others, as I imagine a refusal now would result in bloodshed," he assured me.

Unable to look him in the eyes, I nodded. I wished that I could be the one assuring them, but I didn't believe in this cause the way Samson did. I could only try limiting the bloodshed. So I warned the recruits, "this may not be what you expected so I would suggest caution."

"I will not work for these monsters. I thought I was going to be doing good. I am leaving," a recruit called out.

I took in front of him and continued, "I would advise against that. We are doing good here, reshaping this world into something worthwhile where we will be acknowledged as equals, not cast aside and ignored."

The words were hollow out of my mouth. I was simply parroting Samson's words but without the passion behind them. I wanted to pull back no longer wanting to be a part of this deception, but I was not given a choice.

I looked around for reassurance, I noticed Samson walking over to me. He remarked, "You can handle this lot alone. Make sure none escape. We cannot have our location being revealed. Our numbers are depleted as it is."

I felt a mild panic thinking for a moment I was revealed as a spy, but didn't seem to be looking to me with suspicion. Before I could question him about leaving me in charge of the unruly recruits he was gone, guiding away the recruits who only seemed to care about getting a dose of lyrium to stop the pain. Little did they know it had just begun. I was already disgusted by the lies, deception and intimidation I had used so far.

"Why the deception?" Warren pressed.

I sighed heavily. It was a difficult question to hear. "Would you have come if you had known all?"

"Probably not. But it is a cruel hand you hold out to those in need."

His words stung, I visibly flinched. Warren looked to me curiously. I could no longer take his scrutiny. I stood before the recruits, "Please listen to reason. Calmer heads will prevail here. I will hear your concerns." I tried to assure the now panicked eyes upon me.

"You tricked us, batted your eyelashes at us. Fuck, you're worse than a whore, at least they fuck you the good way." The man at the front hissed.

I felt embarrassed, ashamed, and a little out of my depth. No one was helping me. My face was on fire. I was barely containing my emotions. I would have to deal with this hell as best as I could on my own. "Yes, I suppose you could say that. But you are here now. There is no longer a good choice. Join us, gain power and strength beyond all human ability, or take your chances fighting your way through our behemoths." I pointed to the large beastly creatures looming at the perimeter of the camp.

Taking sidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora