Chapter 20: Under darkspawn control

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It felt as if I had been frozen in this horrific moment for an age, and the look of horror must have been apparent on my face as Corypheus spoke down to me, "you do not approve?"

He sounded galled as if it was a surprise for him that I wasn't cheering Damon's murder like the rest of my fellow Templars. My eye contact was evasive as I feared to hold his intense gaze and replied timidly, "My opinion is immaterial."

I hated that my mind dictated that I kowtow to this beast as Damon's blood dried upon my boots. My stomach turned as Corpyheus cast his head to the ground with a sickening thud like he was nothing. He laughed derisively. As he smiled his torn and mutated skin strained around the lyrium shards, I did my best not to stare at his visage as it was difficult to look upon, and it was hard to believe there was ever once a man within that monstrous shell. "So you know your place," he hissed at me.

His eye narrowed upon me. I found that his voice and power did inspire fear I had not felt in some time, I shrunk from his gaze. I bowed my head in reverence, this action I tried to resist but it was not an act of free will, this was compelled. His proximity seemed to affect me in ways that terrified me; he had control over me. I went from standing at his side at the mercy of his whims to being commanded to move at his will like a puppet, as I followed my fellow Templars leaving Damon behind. Marching at a pace, he placed within my mind, as I stepped on to the training field I was made to take my place amongst the ranks. Looking around I seemed to be the only one among us to be horrified by being a puppet to this darkspawn, the others seemed less aware or enthralled as they to moved under his will their eyes were dark and empty. His power was intimidating as he held all of us motionless. I strained, but I could not break his invisible hold upon me. Forced to wait and watch as he inspected his troops, and we all stood before him awaiting judgement. His expression was unreadable, but when I heard Samson's voice, it made me desperate to lift my head to see him, but my head was fixed looking ahead. Samson spoke of pride in us as he detailed our training, numbers and advancements. Samson's words must have satisfied Corypheus as he and Samson sounded as if they were leaving, their voices faded away into the distance.

Everyone remained held in place upon the field as if under some dark spell, but I found that I slowly regained my control and could finally move under my power. I waved my hand in front of the Templar beside me, and it made me apprehensive that he didn't react. No scowl or sign of annoyance, barely showing signs of life beyond breathing. His power was this far-reaching. The red lyrium must have been how we became connected to that monster. And now I was tied to him; he was in my head. This powerful compulsion was a strange phenomenon that it left me dreading breaking formation, and not remaining motionless with my fellow red Templars.
A harrowing scream across camp made my choice for me. I could not stay still, so I raced across forgetting the horror of the field of frozen fellow Templars. The screams were coming from Samson's tent. I charged in ready to fight only to find Corphyues with his hand upon Samson's armoured chest; the metal was glowing as were the dark spawns hand. There seemed to be an invisible field in front of me. To my horror and frustration, I found myself unable to push forward or scream. My hand would not move toward my sword as I commanded. I was trapped inside myself, frozen in place. Desperate to protect Samson and all I could do was watch. I gasped audibly as another Scream tore from Samson's throat. I wanted to call out to Samson, tell Corypheus to let him go, stop hurting him. All I could manage after a concerted effort was a squeak, "Stop."

My head throbbed from the strain; sweat coursed my temples. Corypheus's head snapped to the side his eyes darkened as they focused upon me, "How dare you interrupt this process!" he roared looming over me. I feared I was to die at his hand. His dark intent seemed clear, but his eyes narrowed as he pressed with suspicion and curiosity, "How are you able to break formation?"

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