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Note: I'm going to be straight with you guys. There will most probably be no smut, okay? 😂 I mean, if you only came for the smut then I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but I am thirteen after all, and I am trying to retain at least SOME innocence 😂 I felt awkward enough just writing THIS, like, I am cringing hard. 😂

Phil's hands shake as he clenches the steering wheel while driving home. His mind is racing with possibilities and he's finding it impossible to calm down; did Dan mean what he said? What'll happen when he gets home? He knows that he's probably too inappropriate on text when he's got the confidence of a screen to hide behind, however he normally does mean what he says... but what about Dan? Was he just joking when he said he wanted to do 'something else'? Phil isn't a virgin, he's been with one other person that ended up ripping his heart out, but now it was.. different. Not only because Dan is a guy, but because this time, Phil knows what he feels is real. It's not forced or fake, it's not for money or looks (even though Dan definitely has it good on the looks part), it's for love. He is in love with Dan, he knows that. But somehow, that makes things even scarier. Because this time, things are real. It's a flurry of emotions, raw and vulnerable, and he's never been one to open up easily before, but with Dan he feels like he can. He feels comfortable with Dan, like he's home whenever they're together. Like he's the happiest when they're close, and even happier when Dan's smiling.

Phil doesn't notice just how much time has passed before he pulls up at the house, making his way to the front door. By now he's a shaking mess- he knows that Dan was probably just joking when he sent that text, maybe nothing would happen after all... but then again-? The door swung open only moments after Phil had knocked, and Dan is standing there, grinning.

"I missed you" He says, smiling. Today wasn't as hard as he thought it would be, but the hardest part was being without Phil. After all, the only thing that possibly made him happy anymore had been gone, so he didn't really expect to feel great. However, despite the endless cigarettes, it had been just about bearable.

"I- I missed you too" Phil stammered, smiling back as he walks inside, still nervous for what was to come. He looks over at the TV to see that the Buffy is on the TV, paused at the beginning of the episode, ready for them to watch it together. But that's not everything. On the coffee table is a small bunch of flowers, and a large sharing pot of popcorn. He had also cooked some lasagne for dinner, which is shown in two plates next to the popcorn. It's not exactly a massive statement, but for Phil, it means everything. Even if Dan didn't mean what he said on the text, and all he actually wanted to do is watch Buffy with Phil, that's still definitely more than enough for him. Dan walks towards to sofa, going to sit down.

"Um.. I got you some flowers.. and, um, I cooked dinner and then some popcorn for while we watch. Cheesy, huh?" Dan laughed from in front him, and Phil blushes and laughs too, agreeing but loving the cheesiness. "I just thought it'd be nice for you to chill out for a bit. I mean, you've clearly not had a good day at work and I don't deserve everything you've done for me and I thought-"

Dan is interrupted when Phil walks speedily up to him and spins him around, kissing him gently. Even if all Dan has done is cook the dinner so Phil doesn't have to, and bought him some flowers, the meaning behind it is more than that. Because although Dan has more to worry about than taking a chore off of Phil's shoulders, that's what he chooses to care about. Not him, but Phil.

"I love you" He whispers, their foreheads touching.

"I love you too" Dan replies, and then they're kissing again. This time is more chaotic than the last, and it soon graduates into something more lust-filled when Phil twists his fingers into Dan's hair, pulling it and making his breath hitch sharply. They gradually move towards the wall, Phil pushing Dan up against the material and kissing him harder.

He tries to control his breathing as he detaches his lips from Dan's, travelling slowly down his neck placing small kisses.

"Phil-" Dan breathes, causing Phil to release his grip.

"Yeah?" He catches his breath.

"Nothing, it's just- should we go to your room?"

"Good idea"

(Sadly, due to the note at the beginning of the chapter, you will have to imagine the rest! 😂)
ew writing anything slightly smutty makes me cringe

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