My New Family

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I had never been as nervous as I was in that moment, at least not since I had my memory wiped. Shuri came up next to me, nudging my leg, but my body refused to move, all I could do was meet each persons' stare, taking a deep breath. I noticed one of them was standing on his chair, and missing one shoe.

A tall man with tan hair and a suit approached me, pushing his glasses up, "You must be Miss Barnes," he held out his hand to me. I quickly glanced from his hand, to the shoe in mine, to the red-haired guy standing on the chair, to my left arm in my pocket. Quickly, yet casssually tossing the shoe to the red-haired guy, the strength behind the throw causing him to fall over the back of his chair, I shook hands with the tan-haired man. "My name is Ukyo, the second son, welcome, said your name was Bucky?"

"It's what everyone calls me, and thank you for housing us sir." I said, pulling my hand back, and grabbing the chain-link leash from the floor beside me.

"Can we eat now, Ukyo? She's hear now, you said we could eat when she got here." A guy with dark grey hair raised his eyebrows at Ukyo, blushing a little when he saw me looking at him.

"Yes Subaru," he sighed, then, turning to me "I'll introduce you to everyone, three of them aren't here, but you will meet them eventually. Would you care to join us for dinner?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir." I nodded my head. Ema waved me over to the seat next to her. I sat down, Shuri wrapping herself around the chair and plopped her head in my lap. Ukyo placed bowls of raw fish, rice, and vegetables in front of everyone, telling me their names as he went, and they all started to dig in. I stared at my bowl, picking at the rice and vegetables, not used to eating being so easy.

"Is everything ok, Bucky?" I glanced up, noticing that most of they were staring at me. I looked in the direction of who had addressed me, meeting the gaze of brown-haired man in a doctors coat, Masaomi.

"Yes sir, everything's fine. I'm just not used to it, that's all." That answer seemed to satisfy everyone and they went back to eating.

"Japanese food can take some getting used to," the doctor continued, "especially Pok'e bowls. Raw fish is actually...."

"It's not the food," I said, jerking my head up, interrupting him, "It's the not having to fight for it." Suddenly, a white-haired guy, Tsubaki had a spit-take, spraying the guy with purple hair, Azusa, across from him, with water.

"What do you mean, 'fight for it'?" the red-haired guy, Yusuke, asked, dropping his chopsticks.

"At base, we had to fight for food. The strongest got the most, and the weakest sometimes got none. And lets just say, I always got the most." I explained, like it was the most common, unimportant thing in the world, smirking as I said the last part. Nearly everyones' jaws dropped, and the youngest one with pink hair, Wataru, bounced up and down in excitement saying, "Atarashī shimai is SO cool!" I just shrugged it off, digging into the bowl of fish and rice gratefully.

When dinner was finished, the brother with platinum blond hair, Louis, showed me my room. Apparently, the room I was supposed to stay in wasn't ready, so they were letting me stay in their brother Fuuto's room, as he was on tour, until my room was fixed. He opened the door and Shuri immediately bounded onto the rug, curling up and sleeping. Sometimes I wonder how she is a super-army animal, she's so much like a puppy sometimes. "Thank you," I turned to Louis, holding out my hand. He smiled and shook hands pulling me into a hug. How he reminded me of Rodgers in that moment. "I promised to protect Ema, and I'll protect you too." I pulled away from him, adjusting my bag on my shoulder, giving him a questioning stare. "My...Our brothers, most of them are...perverts..." he looked down, ashamed of his own brothers.

"Well, that's obvious," I punched his shoulder before turning and closing the door. I sunk to the ground sighing, my face in my hands. I wanted to cry, but I didn't, I followed orders, I kept to myself. I don't cry. But I so wanted to.

Pulling on a hoodie and joggers, I crawled into bed, my body finally relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever. Just on the brink of sleep, I heard a lite tapping on the door. Drowsily opening it, I found Wataru standing outside the door, hugging tight to my legs the second I opened the door, his eyes watering. "Can I sleep with you tonight Ōkina Shisu? There's a monster in my closet!"

I smirked and pet his head. "Monsters aren't real. Go back to bed Wataru." That only made him hold onto me tighter. "Fine. I can see I'm not getting you to say 'no' without a fight, and I'm too tired. C'mon then." He let go of my legs and grabbed my hand, pulling me back into the room. He crawled into the bed, pulling me with him. I wrapped my arms protectively around him. "Why me, Wataru?"

"Because you're big and strong, and...can protect me from...monsters..." And then he fell asleep. I smirked, making sure my arm was covered with the sleeve of my hoodie, before drifting off to sleep as well.

That night, I had another nightmare, just not the same. Instead of the quick flashes of labs, poisons, syrums, wires, doctors, military, ect. it was...worse.

I was on base, except, everything was on fire, there was blood everywhere. I looked around calling out for someone. That's when I saw him. Steve Rodgers. Crushed under a building, struggling to hold on. I cried out and ran to him. All I could hear was screaming, crying, begging. I cried out, tears burning down my face. "Why'd you leave us?" The words echoed in my head. It was driving me insane. I threw the building, ripping my metal arm in half, cradling his dying body in my arms. "You left us! We needed you, and you weren't here!" Every word sent my head spinning as I tried to keep my vision clear. As he tried to talk, I tried giving him a reassuring smile as I gently shushed him, telling him to save his strength. Rocking back and forth, mumbling that everything was going to be OK. He shook his head, and tucked my hair behind my ear as I just kept crying. "I love you..." His last words. I lost it. I screamed out, tears streaming faster down my face. They burned. I didn't care, I just kept crying, accepting the pain. I knew I had caused this. I knew I shouldn't have left. His body tuned to dust in my arms. I crumpled to the dirt, crying, screaming. I knew no one would come. They would cover this up, just like they covered up everything else.

I woke with a start, drenched in sweat, panting. I glanced at the clock. 3:30. I sighed, falling back down into the pillows. That's when I felt a weight shift next to me. I glanced over to find a small child sleeping next to me. I blinked, remembering everything that had happen just a few hours ago. I picked up Wataru, carrying him to his room and tucking him in, before returning to mine. I didn't want to go back to sleep, I didn't want to relive that nightmare. Grabbing my earbuds, phone, and a small dagger, and slipping on my sneakers, I went outside and just started jogging. I didn't care where I went, I would go back once I cleared my head.

I don't want to tell them. I don't want them to be afraid of me. To be afraid of a monster. I don't know how to even tell someone that. How to tell someone I'm a monster. A mutant. I wasn't human.

My super-soldier sister (brothers conflict fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα