Don't Forget Me

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Once upon a time....isn't that how all stories begin? well.... Once upon a time there was a girl. She was so flawless, so perfect that when a monster came to her town, she was the first to help him.

Akari Togoshi-Barnes was a normal girl with a normal life. Her father was a Colonel Buchanan Barnes from the States and her mother, Haruhi Togoshi, had lived her whole life in Japan. She worked at the local cafe and often hosted her neighbors at her home every Sunday. Her next door neighbor, Yuni Asahina, was her closest friend and the only perfect she trusted and often watched her young son, Louis (who would later die of pneumonia after his little sister, Miwa was born), when Yuni and her husband went out. Akari thought she would never find love, and she was content with that, until the day when a stranger entered her life.

James Howlett was a mutant from Canada. He had been born with the ability to heal and was experimented on in which his bones were replaced with metal. He was always on the run from government officials, police, etc. Nature made him a freak. People made him a monster. An God made it last forever. He had wanted love but not a child. He didn't want to curse an innocent child to be a freak. But he knew when he escaped to Japan he wouldn't be able to resist it.

Akari and James met each other and to say it was love at first sight would be an understatement. A week after they met, they made their relationship official. Five months later, he decided he wanted to spend his life with her, ignoring the consequences, and he proposed. The wedding was magnificent, with little Louis as a flower boy and Yuni as Akari's Maid of Honor. After the wedding, James, or Logan since he had to chance his name to keep from being hunted, told the love of his life that he was a monster.

At first, she didn't understand, made him prove it, which only made it more confusing for her. She cried, he left her alone. She realized her love for him, he was scared he would hurt her. But regardless, her love for him and his love for her was stronger, and by March of 1929 the neighborhood had gotten word that Akari was pregnant with a baby girl.

On October 30, 1929, Jamie Buchanan Barnes was born to Logan Howlett and Akari Barnes. A healthy baby girl with bright green eyes, she was the one of the few lights in Logan's world, until the doctor came out of Akari's room, regret and sorrow reflecting in his eyes.

Akari had died in childbirth.

The stress of carrying the child and still going about her life was too much on her body. For the first time in what felt like centuries, Logan felt himself crying. He wanted to blame it on himself or even the child, but he knew it wasn't anyone's fault. "Shit happens," he told himself while holding his child in his arms. "But there's one thing I will do, I'll take of you little thing. I owe her that much," he promised.

For three years, Logan stayed in that small suburban neighborhood, raising a little brown haired, green eyed bundle of joy. Yuni was the greatest help to him when it came to raising a kid, and he couldn't thank her more. Logan had grown to realize that she had yet to show any signs of mutant abilities, besides being able to cheer him up when he wanted to drown his sorrows in beer and whiskey. That is until her fourth birthday, when she fell down playing a game with her friends, cut up her knee, kept running, and, when Logan finally her to the bathroom to clean her leg, have it be perfectly healed. That and the fact she also lifted his truck with one arm to get a basketball from underneath. 

Logan thought he had successfully avoided the authorities and would be able to raise his kid on his own, but luck isn't something he has often. In the summer of 1934, the local police had caught wind of a world renowned fugitive within city limits, forcing Logan on the run with his five-year-old daughter.

"Go!" Yuni said, shoving a dufflebag into Logan's hands. "Now! Before they get here!" She buckled Jamie into her booster seat in the back of Logan's truck while he threw the last of his bags in the back. 

"Why are you helping me?" he asked, handing a stuffed panther to his daughter before slamming the car door shut.

"Because that child needs her father with her, not in jail." Yuni replied.

"Thank you, Yuni. For everything." Logan said, hugging her.

"Of course. Remember, if you ever need help, we'll be here. For you and for Jamie." she said, tears glistening in her eyes as Louis waved goodby to Jamie. With those final goodbyes, Logan drove off into the sunset, as cliche as that might sound.

After running from the police and other such authorities, he found it hard to care for and train Jamie, so he decided to call in an old favor with one of his "fans" from America.

"Peggy, please!" he pleaded with the stubborn young red-head. "I'm doing this for the kid, not for me. I don't want her to grow up on the run. Please, just train her, take her in. She's small and she's strong. Please." Peggy sighed as the man in front of her begged her to take care of his child, but she didn't want this innocent child to pay the price of her father's mistakes.

"Very well, but by the time she's 18th, she had better have a home of her own." she said, grabbing the child's single bag.

"Thank you! Thank you!" he said, before kissing Jamie's forehead and whispering to her, "I love you. Don't forget me, ya hear? I'll come back for you, I promise." with that, he turned and went on his way.

"C'mon nugget," Peggy Carter said, taking the little girl's hand as she watched her dad drive away, very confused as to why he left her with this nice-looking lady.


A/N. Hey guys!!! I'm not dead!! I've thought about this story lately and I think I'm going to keep it going! I've had a fresh set of ideas for her backstory, how she met Steve, how she woke up from cryptofreeze, how she got Shuri, and all that good stuff!!! I'm also going to try to continue the actual story and maybe put some more romance and angst in here!!

And I'm going to a contest soon where I'll write a new book of whatever the winner wants, so more details on that later! Until next time, luv y'all!!!!!!

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