No Thank You

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No dreams. No voices. No colors or sounds. Just darkness... I liked it.

8:15 a.m. October 30th, my birthday, not like I care

I was suddenly aware of a smell of...waffles? No, pancakes. I drowsily opened my eyes, my arm twitching from reconnection. Instead of opening my eyes to see my ceiling, I opened them to see Kaname and Wataru looking down at me, one of them on top of me, I'm not proud of which. Wataru started bouncing up and down in excitement when I opened my eyes, shouting, "Happy Birthday Onii-chan!!!" Kaname continued to stare at my face, making my cheeks grow warm and probably blush, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"What are you doing, Kaname?" I mumbled, attempting to pull the drawstrings of my hoodie closed. I wasn't tired, I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"We came to wish you a happy birthday, Imōto-Chan," he said, before proceeding to attempt to hug me. I let him, that is, until his hands started moving to my waist, which was when I pinched the bridge of his nose, forcing him to let go.

"Get out, I'll be down stairs in a minute, and don't say 'Happy Birthday' to me again." He nodded silently, smirking all the way, and dragged a very excited Wataru out. I pulled on some black bike shorts, leaving my hoodie on, along with some black sneakers, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I went downstairs, riding the banisters, to see...nothing, all the lights were off.

I moved blindly around, trying to remember where the light-switch was. When i flipped the lights on, everyone jumped out from behind the table and yelled, "SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUCKY!!" I just stood there, dumbfounded, as they talked about something to do with planning birthday. I turned on my heels and started walking away, watching my feet. Suddenly I ran into someone who wrapped his arms around me.

"Where are you going Imōto-Chan? We spent oh so much time to prepare this for you, why are leaving?" I looked up to see Kaname smiling down at me. Out of no where, Wataru started hugging my legs, and Tsubaki came up behind me, wrapping his arms around mine, resting his head on my shoulder, both of them looking pleadingly at me. I grumbled some incoherent words before turning around and dragging the two boys to the table along with myself. They all looked so happy when I sat down, except Subaru and Yusuke, who looked really embarrassed. Upon further inspecting, I realized the table had bowls of fruit and in the middle of the table was a tower of about 50 pancakes.

"You people made these?" I said picking at the pancakes, while shoveling the fruit in my mouth

"we bought the fruit, but...and Tsubaki and Yusuke made the...pancakes(?)..." Masaomi said, looking skeptically at said pancakes. I nodded slowly, agreeing with his sceptical glances, and continuing to quench my hunger with fruit. I cut a small piece of the pancake off, dunking it in syrup, and warily brought it to my mouth. "It's...." it was horrible, it tasted like dirt, "....good...." I swallowed it down, which was hard, and quickly bit into a piece of mango.

Tsubaki was practically beaming, when suddenly Wataru spit his bite of pancake out, "This is disgusting!!" He said chugging a glass of OJ. Everyone quickly looked from Wataru to me. I shrugged saying, "I didn't want you to start crying or being emotional or something, but it tastes like dirt." I guess they really are stupid, because after I said that, most of them were quick to take a bite, and just as quick to spit it out. Wataru and I started laughing, "We told you it didn't taste Good!" We laughed until my sides hurt and his eyes started to water. Yusuke as red as his hair and Tsubaki had started laughing with us.

"We can go out tonight, Bucky. That is, if you want to..." Ukyo said, gently pushing his plate of pancakes away from him, while Wataru looked at me, eyes basically sparkling.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably. I grabbed a bowl of fruit and walked out, climbing up the giant tree outside to eat my fruit in piece. Iori came out a few minutes later, and I watched him tend to his flowers, intrigued by the care he showed towards them. He was clipping a bonsai tree when Subaru came out, dribbling a basket ball.

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