Alien Fever

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May 6th, 2012 (7 months after the wedding) 

"Bucky-chan!!" Wataru cried, crawling away from me, his face flushed from fever. "I don't want to get you sick too!" I sighed, going over to the brothers laying restlessly on the couch, placing a basket full of medicine, towels, and water on the table.

A few weeks ago, a major virus spread quickly around Japan, and about two weeks ago Wataru, Yusuke, Ukyo, and Ema all came home with sore throats and headaches. Now, almost the entire family has it, minus Fuuto, Natsume, Hikaru, Subaru, as far as I can tell, and me. With Masaomi out of commission, I've taken over as doctor of the house based on my medical experience in WW2. 

"Bucky, please," Masaomi said before going into another coughing fit. "You *cough* don't have *cough* to do this *cough*" 

"Yes I do, Masa-ni," I said, picking up a passed out Tsubaki over my left shoulder and Kaname on my right. "I'm not going to get sick, I promise," I called over my shoulder as I walked to the elevator. All the brothers in the house as well as Ema had extremely high fevers, extreme congestion, and rough coughing fits. To say I was worried about them would be an understatement. I got most of the brothers in their respective rooms, all reluctant to let me help before i started making my rounds to get each one a spoon full of medicine.

"Ok, Wataru, say "Ahh"," I said, holding out a spoon of clearish-red syrup. Stubbornly, he crossed his arms, shook his head, and plopped down into his mountain of stuffed animals and pillows. "C'mon Wataru," I cooed, lifting his head from the fluffy mountain. "I have to go tend to your brothers."

"That stuff smells icky," he said before slamming his mouth shut. 

"Just hold your nose, you won't smell it or taste it," I said, tilting his head back a bit. He looked up at me through his lashes with big puppy dog eyes, but I didn't budge. He finally relented and held his nose while opening his mouth. Moving quickly, I poured the syrup down his throat and passed him a tall glass of ginger ale. 

With Wataru seemingly content with his stuffed rabbit and ginger ale, I gathered my supplies before starting to leave. "Bucky-chan," I heard him sleepily call out. Turning around, I saw him wipe the sleep from his eye before asking me, "Can you sing me a lullaby?" I nodded, putting down my basket of supplies before pulling a chair to the side of his bed. (play song) I started singing a lullaby from Lord of the Rings, gently combing my fingers through his soft, salmon-pink hair. When I finished singing, Wataru was sound asleep. 

Silently closing Wataru's door behind me, I started heading for Yusuke's next when I heard a loud thump behind me. Spinning around, I saw Subaru laying face-first in the middle of the hall, barely able to breathe and his body basically radiating heat from his high fever. "Suba..." I set down my basket before lifting him onto my back. I started walking down the hall towards the elevator, as his room is one floor up, carrying him on my back. 

Due to his height, his feet were dragging on the ground while I carried him to his room. ".....Buck....?" I heard him mumble as the elevator doors slid closed. 

"I'm here, Suba," I said, pushing the hair out his face, his head resting on my shoulder. "I'm gonna get you all better, just rest bro." He mumbled something about being fine, which he obviously was not, before going to sleep, his cheeks tinted pink. Laying Subaru down on his bed, I rubbed a few drops of essential oil on his neck to help with the congestion before going back down a level to tend to Yusuke.

"C'mon little bro," I said, walking into his room where he was laying in bed, wide awake. "you haven't moved in two days, it's time for you to take a bath." I lifted him off his bed, supporting him with one arm around his back.

"...I...I can bathe on my...own..." he mumbled, starting to blush. 

"No you can't on the account of you can't even walk properly without hallucinating." I sat him down on a chair in his bathroom where a hot bath was drawn with essential oils mixed into the water. He pulled his huge hoodie off, wobbling a great deal, before I helped into the tub in nothing but his boxers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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