Not Worth It

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My phone started blowing up the second the chopper lifted off the ground. Calls, texts, emails, ect., all from my brothers freaking out. "Aren't you going to answer that?" I looked up, glaring at Sergeant Emil Blonsky who sat across from me, smirking. I silenced my phone, answering his question. He chuckled, tossing me one of rifles. My phone buzzed a different tone, and I quickly answered the call. "Fury? What is it?" "I've got an issue in New Mexico and I need you to check it out. Something about an Asgardian god." "Sorry Nick, I'm already on a mission, the Brazil hunt. 75 mil. Just send Clint, he can handle it." I hung up before he could say anymore. I'm so sick of S.H.I.E.L.D.

October 25(fifteen days later)
Geez, for a giant green rage monster, this guy is hard to find.

I had tracked Bruce Banner to Brazil, but the local cops were on him before me and he started making his way to Argentina. Turns out, Blonsky's general couldn't wait for me to finish the job, decided to blow him up before me. That ended in me fighting the Hulk, as people call him, metal hand to giant green hand. It didn't end well for either of us. He got a homing beacon injected into him, and I lost my metal arm, broke my leg and was covered in scratches, bruises, ect. And my whole body was sore from getting thrown into trees.

As I sat in the hospital facility on Blonsky's base waiting for the splint for my leg and my new arm, I called Fury about the New Mexico issue, as well as the Stark problem (F. You Tony Stark). No answer, of course. This is why I hate S.H.I.E.L.D., they call you at the most inconvenient times, but don't ever pick up themselves. Eventually  the doctor came in, I fiddled with my dog tags as he secured the splint on my leg, saying something about 'I can walk but rest my leg as much as possible' I wasn't really listening, I was too tired. A scientist came in, walking me to a lab, like the ones I was so used to. The ones I hated.

Flashback vid just cause

It always hurt. I knew the pain wasn't worth it. To be a monster, and outcast, I had to suffer more for it.

I kept my usual dead-face, too tired to show emotion. I felt my eyes twitch every time the metal pitched my skin. Now for the part I hated, connection. I bit down on the mouth-guard they gave me as the machines locked around my head and arms. I screamed from the pain. When the machines came off, I looked at my new arm, no longer having a red star on the shoulder, it was plain grey, but with more overlapping plates, allowing more movement. I concentrated, and flexed the fingers, the arm, the shoulder, rolling it in circles. It felt a bit different from normal metal. " It's called vibranium, it's apparently the strongest metal in the world." I looked up at Emil, who was smiling as came up to me, hands in a defensive position. "The jet is ready when you are, Bucky."

I nodded standing up. I grabbed my phone, finally checking my missed calls after fifteen days.
378 new texts
549 missed calls
164 new emails
104 new snaps (yes I have snapchat, who doesn't?!)
465 voice messages

I chuckled to myself before following the Sergeant to the waiting jet. I read through some of the texts and emails and listened to the voice messages. Most of them being either "where are You?!" Or "WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!??????!!" I drifted off to sleep...bad idea. When I woke up 1 hour later, I was even more exhausted and sore then before I went it sleep due to way I had been sitting. I called Masaomi, who, after flipping out from my disappearing, agreed to pick me up from the airport on his way home from work.

My army-green shirt was ripped, revealing my metal arm, the centre of my chest, and parts of my perfected body. Sitting down in Masaomi's car, I groaned from the pain searing through my body, causing him to worry...a lot! I turned up the radio as he drove, mumbling about how worried they were, ect. When we got home, I stumbled out of the car, my legs finally giving out after weeks of hitch-hiking. I was caught in someone's arms and hoisted between them and Masaomi. I knew I was going to get lectured and have to explain everything, but at the moment, I wasn't in the mood for confrontation. While they fretted and doted on me when I stumbled in, the second I hit the couch, I was out cold.

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