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7:45 p.m. October 29(four days later)

I woke up with a start from the nightmares I had, accidentally head-butting Tsubaki and punching Kaname(the second may or may not have been an accident). I stretched the new metal in my arm, glancing around me at all my brothers, besides the one I hadn't met. "Great," I mumbled, falling back to the couch, thinking to myself, "great now i have to explain everything." I sat up again, resting my head in my hands. "Ask your questions..." I mumbled as I felt everyone's expectant stares through my skull.
(All at once)
Ts: Why do you have a metal arm?
Lo: Why'd you leave us with the giant panther?
Su: Why do have trillions of dollars?
Na: Why did you need to go to Brazil?
Io: Why were you gone for fifteen days?
Wa: Do you know how worried we were?
Uk: Why did have several guns on you  when you came back?
Az: Who is Blonsky?
Ma: What's with the scratches, bruises, and the broken ankle?
Yu: Why do you have major world leaders in your contacts?
Ka: How are you so beautiful when you sleep?

I couldn't make out the individual voices, but I knew the last question was from Kaname. I picked my head up, glaring daggers at them, they had gone through my phone! "Information overload," I mumbled, feeling the bandages around some of the deeper scratches I had.

"How about you start with this?" Ukyo placed a file folder in front of me with a big, red 'CLASSIFIEDstamped on the front. That's when I started freaking out...
"Where did you get this?!...Did you go through It!?...Fury told me he couldn't find It!!...Where!?What!?When!? ... HOW!?!" I grabbed the folder quickly flipping through pages of dates, charts, diagrams, ect. I noticed none of the pages had fingerprints on them and recently tagged corners. They didn't go through It! I didn't realize, but I had let a few papers fall to the ground.

Wataru was quick to move to pick them up, noticing some of my information on the first page. "Your birthday is tomorrow?!?!" He said both shocked and excited. "Huh?" I said, too busy with the documents in my hand to even glance up.

Subaru grabbed the paper from Wataru, blushing at the photos of me, before confirming our little brother's exclamation. "Birth date: October 30th, he's right....wait a minute!... this says October 30th...1929!" And so, the questions began again.

Yu: 1929?! That's like, before World War II right!?
Az: How are you so young?!
Ts: How did you stay so beautiful?!?
Su: Wait a minute! Are you that really famous soldier that's in our history books with Captain America?!?

"Yes, cryptofreeze, cryptofreeze again and wtf man, and yes, although, I'm more commonly known as the Winter Soldier." That put everyone into a minor paralysis shock for a few seconds. Ukyo snapped out of it first, yelling "You're a hired assassin!!!!????!!" Snapping everyone else back to reality.

"Yeah," I mumbled, before standing up and limping back to my room, leaving them all at a loss for words. Before heading to my room, I started a bath, adding in some rose water and petals before going to grab some ointment, wraps, and clothes. Shuri jumped up in my arms the second I opened the door, licking my face and sniffing at my new arm. I stifled a giggle, noticing my spare sack of jerky torn open as well as the sack of bacon bits. Putting her down, I grabbed the ointment for my wounds as well as my joint shoulder, some military bandage wraps, and a black hoodie and shorts.

Unraveling the bandages Masaomi had put on, I slowly set myself in the warm water. I washed my hair, dunking my head under the water, feeling the warm water soak into a gash I had on the back of my head. I wearily climbed out when fingers started getting wrinkled. I covered my self in the cream, wrapping up the worser wounds before pulling on the hoodie and going to sleep.

I wasn't ready for what happened the next day....

I was so brain dead today, my friend basically gave all the ideas for this chapter. Thanks for reading!!

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