When you have the flu

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This is for Upsidedown_emi ❤️ feel better soon girl! 😘Love ya!💞💞

- you text him that you got the flu, and out of nowhere he shows up with all of your favorite foods and candy

- he also brings his guitar and plays your favorite songs

- he never fails to make you feel better, and just by him being there is making you feel much better

- you binge your favorite show on Netflix, and eat all day

- he is really the best boyfriend ever!


- he's not home when you're sick, but you text him that you're sick.

- the next day the doorbell rings, you open and it's a basket full of chocolate and roses, with the basket it's a card that says; "dear "y/n, I'm so sorry that I couldn't be with you when you're sick! But here's a basket with your favorite candy and you favorite flowers, love -jack"

- later the same day you guys FaceTime the rest of the day, and he cries because he miss you so much, and he feels so sorry for not being with you.


- he comes over, but didn't bring anything.

- "why are you so sad?" He asks

- you explain that it's because he didn't bring yo anything, and that you craved Doritos.

- the look at his face is priceless, he gets sooo sad! "Omg I was going to buy you something! But I left it at home as the dummy I am!

- he runs home and gets it.

- the rest of the day you just cuddle tightest on the couch, and he doesn't care if he gets sick, cause then you could be sick together!


- when you get the flu, you're always cold, and Jae knows this. He brings blankets and different teas

- he takes the blankets and tuck you in all of them

- he makes you tea, and makes you drink up.

- he's also a freak when it comes to medicines, he watches you take them, and makes sure you doesn't forget one.

- he went to McDonald's it buy you dinner and you get this text "I didn't know if you wanted cheeseburger or nuggets, so I bought both! With extra fries of course❤️"

- he's just the cutest!

- you binge watch almost EVERY Disney movies!!!😭😍👏🏼

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