Enemies (Finn wolfhard)

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All of y/n's books were laying on the floor, because the douchebag Jackson "accidentally" bumped into her on his way to English class. She picked the books up, gave Jackson a death stare and walked away like nothing happened.

You see y/n is really popular among the students at John Adams high school in Queens New York. The reason to her popularity isn't because she is pretty or a mean girl, it's because her grandfather is working at Marvel comics! And he's not just working there, he is a pretty important man when it comes to the marvel universe.

It's Because of her grandfather that y/n is popular, even though she doesn't see herself as the "popular girl" cause she is actually kind of a nerd. Talking about nerds, the class she is in right now is Science, one of y/n's favorite subjects.

Mrs. brown walks in and start talking about a new student who starts today. His name is Finn, and he's on his way now. Mrs. brown just keeps talking, but y/n doesn't pay attention. She's just thinking about this new boy, maybe it's a boy for her, cause all of the boys in school are douchebags! While y/n is in her own thoughts the door opens and it's the new boy. Y/n looks up and he is gorgeous...

His curly black hair is perfect to his chocolate brown eyes, and his smile is just so dreamy...

"Welcome Finn! Why don't you say a little bit about yourself!" Mrs. brown ask.

"Ehh, my name is Finn, Finn Wolfhard. I moved here from Vancouver, Canada, and I love skating and singing."

Mrs. Brown place Finn next to me, and the class go on. "Hey I'm Finn." Finn suddenly say to me after a while of silence.

"Hi I'm y/n, nice to meet you"

"So what are we learning about?"

"Nothing special, just electricity"

"Oh okay"

Finn smiles at y/n, and she get butterflies in her stomach. The rest of the science class, y/n can feel that Finn is looking at her, she even looks back sometimes, but then he looks away and blush really hard. The class is slowly coming to an end, and just as the bell rings everyone runs out to the hallway.

"Hey Y/n! Wait up! Do you wanna Ditch class and hang out?"

"I'm in!" Y/n say and they walk out of school together.

"So y/n tell me a little about yourself!" Finn says with a grin on his face.

"Ehh, I'm not that exciting, but I'm really into arcade  games and gaming in general, and I like action movies and horror more than romance and drama. I like the color yellow, but just as a color not to wear! I like to wear black and other dark colors. But not so much that it makes me Gothic."

"Wow that's a lot!" Finn laughs

"Yeah I speak a lot when I have something to say, but what about you? Give me some facts"

"Ehh well I like to skate as you know, I also like gaming, but I'm more a Netflix nerd, I play in a band, or I used to before moving here. Now I don't know what to do cause I don't really have any other interests than playing guitar and singing. Uh, my favorite color is Maroon, cause it's a mix of two colors, and I like to wear black and white clothes."

"Interesting" y/n says while pretending to rub the beard she doesn't have.

The rest of the day they just fool around and just talk about anything and everything.

"Hey you should come to y place sometime and hang out!" Y/n say while they're sitting at some swings at he playground.

"What about today?" Finn asks

"That's a good idea!"

The two walk home to y/n's House and turn on Netflix, they watch "how I met you mother" in the background while they're talking.

"I'm home! Y/n's mother says walking into the living room.

"Well who is this young man?" She asks looking at Finn

"I'm Finn, Finn wolfhard"

Y/n's mother's eyes get wide, and she looks more and more shook

"Wait, is you grandfather working at DC?" She asked him

Finn nods with a smile; "what about it?"

"My father is working at Marvel, and he's going to be really mad if he finds out that you two are friends. " she say.

"So don't tell him" I say, "you don't have to mention it and neither has Finn to his grandfather!

"Y/n you know they are enemies! We can't not say it, you guys can't see each other anymore, I'm sorry. Finn you need to go"

Y/n looks at her mom in Disbelief "you can't just tell us not to be friends! I want to be Friends with him! So shut your mouth mom!"

"It's not that easy y/n! Your grandfather is going to be really mad!!"

Y/n looks at Finn who just stands there watching; "come on Finn, let's go to your house!" They went to Finns place, and told his mom what happened, but that wasn't a good idea, they got the same response, and got told to stay away from each other.

"Y/n, I don't want to not be friends, I really like you and I don't care about what our grandfathers mean, they can be enemies as much as they want but I want to be your friend...

No, I want to be your boyfriend.... Finn looks y/n deep in the eyes, and their heartbeats beat in sync. Y/n looks at him, and then his lips. She takes a deep breath, walk closer to him and kiss him passionately;

"And I want to be your girlfriend"

Finn smiles at her and gives her a hug, take her hand and walk out of the house.

*time skip to the next afternoon because I'm a horrible writer!*

At the moment both y/n and Finn is at their grandparents house, talking about their Friendship. Both grandfathers are pissed. But mostly y/n's

"But grandpa! You don't understand! I really like him! I love him actually! You can't forbid me to see him!"

"No, but I can move you to another school, in another city, and guess what, I did. This is for your best y/n, that family isn't good people"

Finns grandfather is almost as pissed as y/n's but not as much.

"Finn, I understand that you like this girl, but so you think this is the right decision? To fall in love with her?"

"Yes I think so grandpa! She's the first girl I really like! And I know it's worth it" Finn says looking at his grandpa with hope in his eyes

"Okay son, but don't make me talk to her grandfather!"

" I won't" Finn says.

Y/n and Finn met again the next day:

"So how did it go?" Finn asks y/n hopeful

"It didn't! He's moving me to a new school for Gods sake! I don't want this AT ALL! He's just controlling my life!" Y/n says crying in Finns arms

"I'm not gonna give up y/n"

"We can't see each other anymore Finn..."

"But that's the problem... I still want you.."

Finn kissed y/n passionately,
and out of nowhere she heard a beeping sound. She opened her eyes and found herself on her bed back in Vancouver, Canada. She found herself. On the bed she just had the most amazing dream about herself and her best friend Finn wolfhard.

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