Snapchat flirt (Jaeden Lieberher)

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Jaeden and y/n have been friends since 8th grade. They're now in sophomore year of high school, and things have changed a bit. They have been talking much lately, but mostly on Snapchat.

Y/ns POV:
I'm sitting on my bed reading, I'm reading "Harry Potter and the goblet of fire" my phone is making the Snapchat notification sound, and I it up. Snapchat from "Jaeden❤️" I'm opening the snap which says: "what's up?" I answer that I'm just reading in my bed.

The conversation goes on for about 10 minutes when he sends: "you're so cute!"
That's weird, he's never said that I'm cute before....? Like we're bros.... "what do you mean? I'm not!" I send back. I takes a while before he answers, but the notification sound makes me jump when he answers...

It says: "Yeah I mean it, and I must admit that I really want you, I've wanted you for a while now. I want you to feel good"

I laugh, and says that he needs to stop kidding. He doesn't answer, just open...

*next day*
The weather is sunny, and it's a good day. However I must admit that I am a little nervous for school today. The message from Jaeden is still in my mind, and I don't know if he's serious or not.

I walk in to the school, and Jaeden is the first person i meet, I say a quick hello and keep walking.

Third persons POV:
The look Jaeden is giving y/n is different, it's filled with lust, he has that "I want you now" look, that y/n never have seen him have. She keeps walking and meet her friends in the hallway. They're all clueless about what's going on between you and Jaeden. It's best that way she thinks, cause she doesn't even know what it is.

Y/ns POV:
At the way home from school I run into Jaeden and Lara, another girl in class. I walk with them to the bus-stop, and he acts normal. Even on the bus, he looks at me with a look I've never seen before on him, but he talks to me about regular stuff. He's sending out different signals, and it's confusing me.

Third persons POV:
Y/n and Jaeden have been talking for about a month now, and now all they talk about is how much they want each other, and what they want to do with each other. Y/n knows that it's just for fun, but when he says things like "you're so beautiful" "I wish I had you in my arms right now" and "I wish you were mine" she's beginning to get some sort of feelings for Jaeden, which is not good. Not good at all.

Y/ns POV:
It drives me crazy! The signals he's sending! I need to ask him, just confront him on snap. Yeah that's what I'm gonna do. I open Snapchat, and start writing;
"Jaeden, I need to ask you... is all of this just a joke, or is it something real? Cause you're sending out different signals every day! And it's exhausting! I can't go around wondering if you're kidding or if you're serious. I must admit that I've had feelings for you in the past, but now everything is confusing."

I send it, and he opens right away. It takes a while before he answers; "honestly I don't know... like I think that it's something there, but I don't want to go into a relationship right now, but we'll see where the future is taking us..."

I write back that I totally understand, and that I'm not ready for a relationship either. But that it was good to know. I put my phone away, and pick up my book.

*at school two days later*
Third persons POV:
Y/n and Jaeden haven't talked so much lately, it's been a bit quiet after they confessed their feelings about where they stand. However the looks from Jaeden haven't changed, but y/n decides not to say anything about it.

Y/n get the feeling that he doesn't look at her like he used to, with that sweet smile and sparkling eyes.

They haven't talked at all the whole week, and y/n don't know how to feel about it.

Y/ns POV:
It's Friday and I'm sitting alone in my living room. My parents are at some friends place and my little brother is staying over at my cousins house. I watch Netflix and eat popcorn alone, and I'm just enjoying the movie.
*knock knock* I hear someone knocking at the door, I freeze for a moment cause I'm home alone in the dark, and the knocking was kinda slow and mysterious...

I walk over to the front door, and look out the ting window. Jaeden is standing outside, and he looks sad. Quickly I open up; "hi, what are you doing here?" I ask him

"We need to talk" he says while walking in.

We sit down on the couch, and he looks at me; "you know how I said that I wasn't ready to have a relationship? Well I was wrong, I've liked you for a long while now, and I did not know how to say it, so I said it all as a joke."

"What are you saying?" I ask, with a little excitement in my voice.

"I.... I like you" He nearly whispers.

I walk over to the side he is sitting on, and slowly crawl over to him, I sit down on his lap so I face him. I look him in the eyes and down on his lips, I roughly kiss him, and he quickly kiss me back.

I pull away, and he looks surprised; "I really want you y/n" I hold his hand and walk up the stairs to my room.

Third persons POV:
Well let's just say that Jaeden made y/n feel good afterwards...😘


Well this was a mess!😂

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