Bad for you (jack dylan grazer)

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He is one of my best friends, the one I trust the most and the one that's always there for me when I need him to be. However there is only one tiny problem, I might be in love with him.
I've known him for about Two years, when he first started at my school, we're 16 now. The first thing I got to know about him was his name; jack.

When he first started at my school, he was this sweet boy that didn't mean any harm, he hung out with everyone and did not judge people who were different than him.
After about a year he started acting different, started doing drugs and doing other bad stuff, and he had also changed his entire friend group. He wasn't himself, so I took a few steps away from him and watched from distance.

But one night changed a few things:

I was sleeping over at my friends house, it was in the middle of the night and she was asleep. I took my phone and went on Snapchat, I saw that jack had posted something on his private story, and I clicked on it. "I'm done, I don't want to do this anymore"

I asked him if he was okay, and he explained that he felt like shit and that he was hanging out with people who were no good for him. I replied saying that I knew how he felt, and that maybe he should hang out with people who gave him good energy and not bad energy. He agreed and said that he missed hanging out with me, and that he wished we never stopped hanging out.
He told me that I was one of the few people he really trusts and that I can tell him everything. So I told him that I am bisexual, and he accepted me right away, not that he wouldn't, he got an aunt who is married to a woman.
We talked all night long, and became close again.

That same week we hung out, and the week after that as well, we hung out a lot and had fun together.

At school he would never speak to me tho, he hung out with the same friends who made him feel bad, but he was popular so he did not care. When he came home from school we always talked about everything and nothing.

I'm sitting on the floor watching my brothers and the rest of the primary schools show, but talking to jack on Snapchat . We just talk about how bored we both are, and that we just want to hang out with each other. Suddenly he tells me that he has met a girl from London online. He shows me pics, and she is gorgeous, a piece of my heart falls, and I get kinda jealous of the girl. But he is happy, and that's the most important thing.

We still talk, but not in the same way as we used to, he does not snap me as much, because he is busy with his new girl, I'm just afraid that I will loe him again. My friends say that's he's bad for me, and that I shouldn't hang out with me, but they don't understand that he is the only one who really understands me...

A/n: yeah so this was kinda more like a storytime if I can call it l that haha, sorry if it's boring, I just need to write stuff down somewhere. Jack portrays the boy who is my best friend, and yeah this is my life situation haha

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