Chapter 45

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Valentines day

Yume's POV

And today is the contest of the Valentines Chocolate. It's 7:30 in the morning and now we are preparing for the contest.There are only 20 contestant joining for this competition. And they only gonna pick 5 contestant to the final competition. Only me and Ako are joining in this competition and we hope we both get into the final round.

"Ok girls! Let's start in 5 minutes prepare all you need to use and after 5 minutes we will now start. And you all need to finish your chocolate within 4 hours, and if the time is finish. Finished or unfinished, put your hands in the air." Anna sensei said to us all competitors. I put my apron and prepare all the ingredients for my chocolate. I'm not really nervous about joining this competition. 'Cause I like making sweet in our bakery, so I'm used to it.

Laura's POV

I saw M4 were the competition is, and they all wear their school uniform. This is the first time that I've seen M4 wearing their school uniform. I looked at Nozomu wearing his school uniform. And I can't take my eye off him. And then I realized that I'm staring at him so dreamy and I didn't even realized that he's staring at me too and smiled at me! Geez! I just smiled at him and looked away. So embarrassing.

"Hey Laura." I was suddenly shock when Mahiru called me. "Geez~ You surprised me." I said to Mahiru." Haha sorry, I just noticed your staring Nozomu a second ago." Mahiru said with a grin on the face. My face suddenly heat up because what Mahiru said did she saw me staring at him!? What a shame! What to do!? " Don't worry it's normal, you don't have to be so over reacted." Mahiru said and she giggled." I'm not over reacting!" I said to her and she just  laugh at me.Geez~

Kanata's POV

"Ok girls! We will start in 30 seconds so prepare your ingredients!" Anna sensei said to the girls. I was looking for Ako then I saw her with Yume. They're all individual for making chocolates. And I guess Ako will not lose to this competition. I know Ako will not gonna lose this competition."5 second!  Ready for your signal!..... Start now!" Anna sensei said and the time starts. Hmmm. Ako's first move sure is fast. Let's see who will win.

Ako's POV

When the time starts I suddenly cut the chocolate and I put it on the bowl. And minutes have pass I'm already putting my chocolate in the freezer." Ako is just put her chocolate in the freezer." Anna sensei said and I smiled." And Same as Yurika!" Anna sensei continued. What!? I looked at Yurika and she was grinning at me. I just gave her a glare and looked away, I will not lose to other girls!

Subaru's POV

Yume....." Staring at Yume huh, Subaru?" Asahi said with a grin on his face. But I didn't deny it, that I'm staring at Yume." You look serious looking at Yume, did you two fight?" Nozomu ask me. Do I look like serious?" Nope." I said to him. But he didn't say anything else. I look at Yurika and she was looking at me then she smiled and waved at me but I didn't smile nor waved at her." Don't look to other girl Subaru, Yume is looking at you." Kanata suddenly said and I looked at Yume but she continue to make the chocolate.Yume.....

Mahiru's POV

"Mahiru." Laura called me." What is it?" I ask her." Is Yume gonna be ok?" Laura ask." Well yeah. Wait, did she have a sick or something?" I ask her." I don't know too. But she seems down this past weeks." Laura said and I looked at Yume and she is not by herself." Looks like she had a problem that she didn't even wanted to tell us."I said to Laura and she nod." Why didn't ask her when you know that she's down this past weeks?"I ask Laura and she shake her head.

"I can't ask her. If I ask her, she might got even upset and she need to tell us her problem if she really can't tale it." Laura said.Laura is right. We can't ask her directly." When will she gonna tell us?"I ask."I don't no." Laura said. Hmmm.. Maybe if I ask Onii-chan if  there's something wrong with Subaru maybe, Yume and Subaru had a fight without us knowing it.Just maybe, that's why I'm gonna ask Onii-chan if Subaru have any problem.

3 hours later.....

Yume's POV

I get some small glasses and cut some circles of a cake that can fit in the glass. And I pour some chocolate all over the edges in the glass then I put it in the freezer then I wait for 10 minutes and I took it, then I put the circle cake that can fit in the glass and I add some peanut next, ice cream then crumps of a Oreo for the last.I made the three small glass too but different flavor of ice cream.

I put  Subaru's ice cream is chocolate, Nozomu is pudding,Kanata is coconut and Asahi is Cheese.I put it on the freezer about 20 minutes and I took it and I turn it around the decorate some  hearts and flowers." Only 15 minutes left! Finish or not finish you all need to gabe it to the judges!" Anna sensei said. And I rushed at doing the hearts but not the flower cause for me flower is a great design.

Subaru's POV

"Time's Up babies! Now let's start with the contestant No.1!" Anna sensei said and the No. 1 contestant is Ako. Ako puts the tray on the table, where we are sitting. Then we saw a big chocolate hearts for one of us." My specialty chocolate! I add some bitter and sweet ingredients! I use bitter chocolate to improve the taste of the sweetness." Ako describe her chocolate and then we take a scoop then we all taste it together at the same time.

"Your right it's more better to add some sweet on a bitter chocolate. Some chocolate aren't good if they add some sweet on their chocolate but yours are different."Nozomu said. And I agree with him." Well done Ako."Kanata said and grin at Ako.But Ako looked away to not meet Kanata's eyes." Looks like this competition will be exciting!" Anna sensei said to all the students of 4 Star Academy.I looked at Yume and she was looking at Mahiru and Laura.



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