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School wasn't the greatest when it came to being the new kid. Everyone had their own groups and I tended to be one of the students that others just so happen to endure rather than ignore or bully.

As I entered the halls of the new school, I see there's different people in different groups. Whether they were stuck up or just plain normal, they seemed to fit in to their own group of friends. I however, didn't necessarily know exactly how things would lay out before me. Sure, being new was supposed to be a good thing right? Walking in seemed simple, not too many looks and I was thankful for the closeness of the office from the front door, making my wandering easier.

Walking towards the office, red lockers surrounding my view with the occasional clock hung up on the walls, there was a certain con to this school. It obviously wasn't a very welcoming environment, nor a private considering the amount of kissing and couple exchanges that happened so often.

Not that I had anything against it, but if you're going to makeout in the hallway, do it behind your locker door at the least. There, leaned against the locker had been a taller, tan, brunette with a curly red head beneath his hovered shoulders. Nothing happened, except the occasional kiss but it was hard not to watch as they were directly in my line of vision.

I grimaced in disgust as I forced my eyes to look away. I enter the main office, and see an older lady with glasses typing away at the computer. She looks up at me, and begins to speak. Her voice scratching at her throat.

"Yes?" The old lady said rudely. Perfect, I can already see what a wonderful year this will be. This school so far doesn't look to be the brightest area of all.

"I'm Stacey White," she paused her typing, glancing up at me with pure confusion written over features, "the new girl."

Realization seemed to slip right through her as her eyes beamed a little brighter and a smile crossed her face, "Right, the new girl."

I nodded, a tigh smile placed on my lips, "Natalie will be helping you tour the school, she's outside the room right now."

She looked back down at her screen and began typing away once more. I hadn't expected the school to be perfect, but it's barely been fifteen minutes and i'm very close to concluding that I won't enjoy being here.

I walked out of the room, noticing a brunette with long, loosely waved hair, leaning against the wall next to the entrance of the front office. She wore high waisted maroon jeans with a loose black top tucked into the jeans that hung slightly off of her shoulders along with a pair of beaten up black vans. I took a second to examine her, not sure what kind of personality she'd have before she noticed me.

"Hi, I'm Natalie, your tour guide," she exclaimed, her voice high, "but, i'd rather not be labeled that, so just think of me as one of your friends." She smiled as we began walking to my first class. She had a bit of a bounce to her walk, which I found myself fond of her confidence. She had a walk of fame and a blinding smile. Her teeth were as white as teeth could get.

"I'm Stace-" I tried speaking, but she quickly cut me off.

"I know who you are. . .Stacey White." She laughed, giving me another smile. She seemed to be perky, but I couldn't lie, I liked that about her. I just didn't show it. Instead, I gave her a tight lip smile and followed behind her.

We were walking to my first class, History. I listened closely to her as she explained the different classes and the different hallways we turned. The school seemed small on the outside but it was clear with the number of turns and stairs we took that was not the case.

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