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I finished all my classes for the day and wanted to walk home before texting Cameron and figuring out what time specifically I should head over. As I was walking, I noticed the same black car following me. It creeped me out considering it followed me all the way home. I began to pick up my speed and walk faster, when the car honked at me.

It startled me enough to earn a yelp, pausing my movements. I turned around to see that the person in the car was Cameron.

"You scared me you idiot!" I yelled at him, my heart rate beginning to decrease.

"Sorry babe, but I couldn't let you take all the credit for the essay." He smirked. God I could just slap that smirk off his face. Thats all he did, was smirk and I absolutely hated it.

"I'm not your "babe" I have a name." I spit, turning around to walk away before he drove again, following me.

"Babe fits you better." He shrugged, still inching his car closer and closer.

"You're funny, what do you want?" I said with irritation clear in my voice. he had the nerve to push me around like I was some kind of amusing thing that he could sit and poke at all day. It was only the first day and he's following me home in the most creepiest way.

"It's my project too, sweetie." He said as he parked the car and got out. I was confused as to why he was parking.

"what are you doing? " I asked, referring to the parked car in front of me.

"That's my house your standing in front of. " He said pointing to the house that was directly behind me. I frowned, noticing the short distance from my yard to his.

"Could you get anymore annoying. " I said walking with him up to his porch. I could hear his footsteps close behind, to which I wanted to start sprinting just so we were further apart.

"I didn't even do anything." He stated, picking up his pace so he could walk with me up his porch.

"You being here is enough." I say, moving over so he was able to unlock his door. Standing from the side of him I could see his profile so clearly, his jaw sharp and the sun against his face making for an almost silhouette.

"Quit drooling over me and get in."

I quickly averted my eyes, my cheeks heating as I was about to go against the fact of staring but I knew it was useless against him so I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut and instead, walk into his house following him behind.

Without any words uttered between us, we walk upstairs silently, the only sound that could be heard in the empty house is o ut footsteps. He enters the room, and looking around it seemed like a typical teenage boy room. The walls were gray, with posters of bands on his wall. He had a black desk that sat in the corner of his room wher he pulled out his laptop and casually sat, looking as if he'd repeated the routine millions of times before.

I grabbed my laptop that I brought along with me, and start jotting down ideas. I felt a pair of eyes lay upon me, so I looked up and see Cameron staring at me, but quickly looked back at his screen.

"What?" I felt my cheeks flush, as I pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Nothing." he laughed. although I hadn't known him very long, It felt so weird to hear a light laugh escape his lips. From what I've seen all day, he didn't seem like the type to have a light conversation with.

He stared intently at the screen before him, lip being tugged between his teeth constantly. I couldn't help myself, he was attractive without trying and if sitting here, staring at him while he was completely oblivious was the only way of truly seeing him without a smirk or hearing a snarky remark, I'd take it. After a few however, I returned my attention to the work that needed to be done.

and so the next few minutes we sat in silence, gathering as much information as we could. I could hear the way he was typing so quickly, making me loose my train of thought as I glanced up at him.

His brows furrowed and his lip tugged pulled lightly by his teeth. His hand making its way through his loose strands, he let out an exasperated breath.

It wasn't until his eyes had met mine did I quickly look away, hoping he hadn't caught me watching him although we both know he did.

"I prefer not to be stared at," his eyes were burning into my skin as I met eyes with him. he hadn't been in his light mood anymore, his face set to a scowl.

"I, I was just-" I felt so stupid, I couldn't even muster a simple sentence or excuse as to why I was staring.

"Just get back to researching," he snapped, "it's bad enough I have to do this with you."

My eyes went wide, the obvious appearance that i'd been taken back fully evident. What was his deal?

"Excuse me?" I set my laptop aside, crossing my arms, "last time I checked you came up to me. Do you seriously think I want to be here?"

His eyes were shooting daggers through me as he shut his laptop screen harshly.

"Please, you agreed because you didn't want to look like a lame."

"If anyone looks lame it's you for trying to be so desperate with me. I mean c'mon? The hallway trip, asking to be my partner when you didn't have to, taking the time to send your friend away just to sit next to me because you were too chicken shit to talk to me straight up. Scared of a little denial I see." I rushed out, knowing he was trying to trap me into seeming vulnerable. As I spoke, I gathered my items.

His tall figure had stood up from the chair he sat at, as he walked over to the edge of the bed where I sat. His body towered over me, but it hadn't intimidated me.

"That's not my fault you looked so easy," he scoffed, mirroring me with his arms crossed. I should've known that was his intentions in the first place. He never wanted to just be partners. he wanted more, thinking I'd be an easy target.

"You're disgusting," I spit, getting up to gather my things. if he was so desperate, he'd find someone else. I was not here to please his hormonal needs, nor would I ever think of doing such a thing.

"Where are you going?" he questioned, watching as I stuck my laptop into my bag.

"Home," and with that, I walked out of his room without bothering to look back at him. I could hear his footsteps tumbling after me, but no words were spoken.

I reached for the doorknob, before his hand immediately shot to shut the door.

"Stacey, wait."

"Open the door," I shot at him, throwing a glare his way. he wasn't going to begin apologizing and think I would forgive him. There's nothing to be sorry about, we weren't going to do anything and I knew how he was. So partially, it's my fault for being so idiotic.

"Why are you being so difficult?" he sighed, rolling his eyes before reaching for my hand to pull me away from the door.

"Look, I'll finish the homework. just, leave me alone," I honestly may be overreacting, but I didn't want to be pulled under anything I would regret. I'd much rather leave before I end up tangled in a mess I'd much rather choose to ignore.

"I didnt do anything to you," he snapped, "all I said was you were easy. I didn't touch or hurt you in anyway, so stop being such an overdramatic prude."

"You're actually a joke," I fired back, completely irritated with him. I reached for the door, not bothering to watch his expression as I stumbled out to the porch and down it's steps.


I'm so sorry If this is so bad. im cringing. I wrote this such a long time ago but you guys were so responsive so im keeping it up ((-:

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