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I walk into history and sit next to Natalie, noticing Cameron and his friends sitting in the far back of the room. I rolled my eyes and sighed, as I turned forward placing my bag beside me.

The teacher began talking when I heard someone whisper my name from the back of the class. I ignored it at first, but they kept constantly repeating it. In annoyance, I turned around and shot a look at the person calling my name. Once I saw it was Cameron, I glared at him then quickly turned around facing the front of the class again.

As I turned back around, I questioned how he even knew my name. I never mentioned it to him. From where I sat, Cameron began calling my name again, leaving me to continue ignoring him.

"Is there something wrong, Stacey?" Mr. Tanner asked. I hadn't noticed I was beginning to have a sour expression due to Cameron.

"No, everything's fine," I reassured him.

Once Mr. Tanner returned to what he'd been doing earlier, I took the chance to flip Cameron off which caused him to snicker. Turning my head towards him, I caught a stupid smirk that played at his lips. Did he ever just smile once in awhile?

I started working when I felt a tap on my arm. Natalie sat there with an expression that I could read all too well. she didn't have to speak as her face basically read 'I told you.'

"Okay Class, we're starting a new project on the countless projects you've already done yet the district requires it. Let's talk about human development around the world. This means industrial, physical, and so on. Almost like human geography but in history class."

Groans filled the room as he shot up a finger, signalling there was more. "Good news, you can choose partners."

There were still groans that were heard but not as many. I've become familiar with the topic, everything imprinted just finely within my mind as I remember my freshman year of human geography. It was the easiest class i'd ever taken. I didn't need a partner really, but I suppose i'd take one anyway.

I was about to look over to Natalie when I saw she had already headed off with another partner. Sitting across the room with a lighter dirty blonde kid, I felt slightly deflated. She left awfully quick, leaving me with no one I knew. I was tempted to go sit down with her, but knew how stupid that would be and how rude I'd come off as. He was probably some little crush she'd had. I guess I could stay out of the business of a girl i'd just met.

Pressing my cheek to the palm of my hand, I rested my elbow against the top of the desk I sat at. Digging through my textbook for information, I let a sigh past my lips I might as well work alone. There's no reliance on someone else and I can go my own pace.

It wasn't until I felt the sudden urge to lift my head from the book did I regret it. I could basically feel the hot breath down my neck which caught my attention.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? No partner?" I felt two hands touch my back, noticing they had been leaning against the chair. I mentally cringed at Cameron's touch, wanting to get up and move into another chair, but that would be giving into his satisfaction of annoying me which was exactly why he even stepped foot over here. It was also childish.

"It's Stacey," I felt the need to correct him, "what do you want?" I asked with a certain cautiousness settled in my tone. I didn't bother turning around, only leaning forward and picking up my pencil to work on my own. I placed my hand under my chin to support my head once again, hoping Cameron would walk away.

"To be partners of course, It looks like Natalie went off with Matt, over there," It was then that I realized Cameron purposely sent Matt with Natalie so he could make his way over to me. I shook my head at his weak attempt to get my attention.

"So that was your plan?" I scoffed, "getting Matt to take Natalie so you could ask me to be your partner?" He did things way to difficult.

"If I asked you on my own, would you have said yes?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as if to tell me he was right, I wouldn't.  He had a point, I suppose. "besides, you don't know anyone, yet. and everyone's already partnered up." he shrugged, taking Natalie's seat next to me.

"I'm fine working alone, thank you," I stated strongly, turning my attention towards my notes. He took it upon himself to remove his weight from the back of my chair and take Natalie's seat beside me.

"The new girl presenting alone, sounds like you're asking to be laughed at," Cameron stated, voice heavy and nearly intimidating. I hated the way he talked. Like he knew everything.

Leaning back, he took his pencil between his fingers, spinning it around. He glanced at me, asking if that's what I wanted. I guess he had another point, but I still didn't want to give in.

"And presenting with an annoying jock wouldn't?"

"Nice try, but I'm very well liked."

"Fine," I sighed in defeat, I didn't want to be partners with him but he was right. I wasn't going to be the class clown this year. "but Cameron, so help me if you even try to pull anything, I will-"

"So you've heard about me I see." he leaned forward, placing both hands on the desk in front of him.

"You say that like you're so talked about and hyped up, please. The cockiness just radiated off if you, I don't need a back story to tell what kind of person you are," I shrugged giving him a sarcastic smile. He eyed me for a moment before sitting forward and grabbing a hold of Natalie's pencil she left behind and not saying a single word.

Every so often he'd try to regain my attention by throwing eraser pieces into my hair.

I glared at him, "Will you stop?" I asked rather harshly. I rarely knew him, but knew enough for him to get on my nerves.

"I'm bored." He shrugged, throwing yet another piece my way. I grabbed the pencil he was picking at, and threw it on the ground beside me.

"Someone's feisty." He laughed, standing up to pick his pencil from the ground. I groaned in frustration not only because he was annoying me but class had ended and we'd gotten nothing done.

"Looks like I'll see you at my place." He said, raising an eyebrow to confirm if i was going.

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed, as he reached his hand out. I gave him a confused look until he spoke, "your phone. You need my number in order for me to get to your house." He rolled his eyes.

"Will you stop with the eye rolling? You look like a little girl." I dug through my bag, handing him my phone. He typed away as he put his number into my phone. Soon enough, he handed it back.

"Don't pull anything, I'm serious." I stated.

"We'll see about that." He said as he walked out. I huffed at him, as I walked past him only to have him stop me. I raised an eyebrow.

He stood silent, eyes narrowed down at me.

"I kinda have other classes to get to," I mumbled, resting my weight onto one foot as I stood still, awaiting his reasoning for stopping me.

"Stacey White," he said so smoothly, my name tumbling off of his lips delicately but almost as if he was tempting me into something. Something I didn't want to give into to.

"What's with you?" he blurted out, a mixture of annoyance and confusion both clrearly written across his features.

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my brows, "could you move? Standing here is absolutely pointless."

"You know," he breathed out, "girls like you shouldn't be so open with that mouth of yours, I have other ideas on putting it to use."

"You're disgusting," I spit, pushing past his bold figure and making my way down to my next class.

The halls weren't empty yet, still scattered with multiple students and the sight of Cameron now out of sight, making him out of mind. I tugged my bag closer to my shoulder, dragging myself effortlessly to finishing the rest of the day, completely dreading the end of the school day.

I should just skip Cameron's house and head straight home, I know it's the best idea but I also know that failing my first somewhat serious assignment wouldn't look good being the new girl that just decided to enter halfway through the year.

Shaking my head, I walked into English.

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