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All to quickly, the next morning rolled around the corner and I wasn't prepared at all. I was dug under the comfort of my blankets, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed. after hitting the snooze button twice, I managed to bring my body up from the under the covers and throw my feet to the floor, forcing my body up.

I ran my fingers through my knotted hair, tugging at the ends before stumbling to the bathroom where I showered and brushed my teeth. I dressed in a simple pair of jeans, a colored undershirt and a cardigan to top it. I was too lazy to try for more.

Once I was finished, I picked up my bag from the floor and unplugged my phone from its charger before heading outside, making sure to say goodbye to my mom whom was preparing to leave for work as I was for school.

"Have a good day, I love you," she smiled, as I returned the words and marched out the door.

The morning breeze was fresh against my skin as I began my walk. No car honking sounded, making the morning slightly better.

During the walk, I had been thinking whether cameron truly wanted to be friends or rather just convince me to end up in his sheets, only to end up hurting me. and I made sure that I was not going to be something he was going to pull off. I wasn't about to be just another toy.

As I entered school, the first thing I did was walk to my locker, grabbing my books for my first class. and of course, the tall figure walking down the hall towards me didn't go unnoticed.

"Stacey," he began, "You still going?"

"If you still want me to, yeah," I shrugged, shutting my locker. I turned, knowing he'd be following as I started walking to History.

"I do," he pushed, "just making sure you weren't trying to change your mind is all."

"I haven't," I hadn't meant to be so blunt with him but I was really confused and unsure of his intentions here. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely being nice by inviting me or if something was up.

"What's up with you?" he snapped, still walking next to me but no longer looking at me.

"Nothing," I shook my head, too caught up in my mind to pay any attention to him.

"Right, well, see you," and he was gone just as quickly as he came. I sighed, walking into class after him.

It was so hard to concentrate when cameron was only a few feet behind me. I swear I could feel his eyes burning holes through me, making me shiver uncontrollably. He made me so uncomfortable, but it wasn't creepy at the same time. I know him snapping at me was my fault, so I couldn't really blame him.

But I needed to stop overreacting, I'd rarely known him for that long and here I was, basically obsessing over him and his stupid party. He was right, I needed to live a little. He didn't like me in any way, and I didn't like him either. It is just a party, and a party it will stay.

I tapped my pencil against the desk in front of me, not paying attention to the lecture being given. I was tired and still wanted to go to bed to curl under the warm blankets and sleep like i did this morning. I hadn't noticed how loud I was tapping the pencil against the desk until Natalie tapped my shoulder, signalling towards the teacher to which had his eyes on me in a disatisfying manner. I felt my cheeks heat up, placing the pencil down.

"What's up with you?" she whispered, "you're so jittery today."

"Cameron asked me to go to this party tonight," I spoke quietly, hoping no one could hear us.

"And? he throws parties all the time. Why are you so jumpy about it?"

"Because i joked about saying i'd leave early, and he told me that wouldn't be happening because I'd be with him the whole time," my whispers came out rushed and sounded more as quick mumbles. but Natalie only nodded, understanding why I was so jittery.

Mr. Bad Boy 》c.d.Where stories live. Discover now