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I head home after school, and start working on any homework that I was assigned. homework hadn't been such a stressful thing for me, but days like this; sunny and warm weather, I highly disapproved of the idea of homework.

I debated the entire day whether I should attend Cameron's party, went against the idea, and then was all for it by the end of the day after weighing out the pros and cons.

I didn't have a lot so after I finished I decided to call Natalie to come to the mall with me to pick out a dress I could wear to Cameron's party.

i remember her giving it to me during lunch, before Matt had pulled her away. something about 'be back soon, he had a surprise.' i didn't know whether matt had been a good person or if he was like Cameron. but I figured since Natalie enjoyed him so much, I might has well have a little trust for him. a little.

"Stacey?" I heard her voice speak, sounding very high.

"Hey, natalie. so i'm going to a party later and I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping with me?"

"Why not? sounds fun! I'll pick you up in ten?"

"Perfect," I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. hanging up, I fixed my makeup and gathered my things while waiting for Natalie to pull up.

Natalie arrived, and we headed out the door and to the mall.

We walked into a few dress shops, and I pick out a few to try on, until I finally found one that suits me.

It was a black dress, simple yet affective. It fit my curves perfectly, and ended right above my knees.

"What do you think?" I asked natalie as I looked in the mirror.

"Cameron will love it, Stacey." I froze in place for a second before turning around and giving a questioning look to Natalie.

"I know you're going to impress him. His parties are all he ever talks about and I watched him ask you. don't worry, he'll fall head over heels." she leaned against the dressing room wall, smirking at me. If only she knew he did the exact the opposite.

"Yeah well you missed the part where he uninvited me and then re-invited me." I rolled me eyes, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Seriously? You obviously have some kind of spell on him."

"I'm not going to impress him. More like a taste of his own medicine, is all." I turned back around, examining the dress for the last time. The idea was playing at my head for awhile. If I toyed with him the way he did with me, and every other girl in town, then maybe I could get him to feel just as confused and irritated as I get.

"Good luck, Cameron isn't easy." she stated, "now, are you gonna buy the dress or not?" laughing, I sighed and said yes as she walked out for me to change.

Soon enough, after a few hours of showering, doing my hair, and getting ready, Jack's car appeared outside. We agreed earlier over the phone he would take me. Well, walk me. And he was going to keep me company.

Not giving him a chance to knock, I was out of the house before he could step foot onto the lawn. running up to him, I gave him a quick hug getting ready to enter his car. Before I could, Jack stopped me by pulling my arm bringing me to stand in front of him.

"I'm actually a little jealous you're going dressed like that, can't even say that's mine." He joked, and let go of my arm and looked down.

"I'm no one's." I smiled.

"Yeah," He smirked, "I know."

I liked to think I was my own person. Always been me, myself, and I, plus my mom. Never really had my dad around, but it didn't stop me from anything.

"Want to come in for a bit before we leave? Doesn't look like too many people are in his house yet and I don't want it to be sounding like crickets with just us."

"You have a point," He stated, nodding towards my door way, placing a hand on the small of my back as we walked into my house. It was almost comforting in a way, and I didn't mind how close we walked. A part of me wanted Cameron to see us like this, just to see the look on his face.

I realized what I was thinking and stopped bringing Cameron into my every thought. I shouldn't be doing that.

"Something to drink?" I offered Jack as he leaned against the counter and watched me walk around the kitchen. I could see the way his eyes traveled down my body and a part of me wanted to call him out on it. But I refrained because I kind of enjoyed the attention. His chin sat atop the palm of his hand, dark hair tousled and his lips rested in a pout. Cute.

"Nah, I'm good, thank you though."

I grabbed myself a water and jumped onto the counter to sit beside where he leaned, and rested my head back against the cabinets.

"What's up?" Jack asked.

"I kind of don't want to do this whole party thing," I admitted.

"Why not?"

"Not sure, Cameron just confuses me. I'd like to think he wants to be friends but I really don't think he can hold a friendship with a single girl without turning it into something more." I rambled, knowing well Jack probably could care less. But I couldn't help it.

"Wanna stay in? We can watch movies, order a pizza?" He suggested.

"As nice as that sounds, I do have my reasonings for going." I gave him a small smile and hopped down from the sink. "Let's go?"

"There's no point in driving, his house is just a thirty second walk." Jack pointed out, leaving me to agree.

"I suppose," I felt my chest weaken and my heart rate speed. and yet, my night hadn't even started as we walked out my door and towards Cameron's.

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