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Jack took my hand, walking me around to places I hadn't seen. We wondered into the woods, where he sat down and I sat beside him. The school was a bit isolated, making for an easy entrance into the tree filled area.

"So, is this what you do when you skip?" I asked, picking at the grass on the ground. He lightly threw little shreds of green in my hair, making me groan im a humorous way, picking the grass out.

"I guess, pretty calming isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled, looking up. you could see the tree tops lingering over us and the clear sky above them. The view was breath taking, and beyond gorgeous.

"So tell me about yourself." Jack muttered, glaring up at the sky as well.

"There's not much to me, really." I lightly laughed, "I'm boring"

"Doubt it," he shrugged.

"What kind of music do you like?" he pushed, trying to keep the conversation going.

"R&B, hip hop, rap, whatever honestly."

"Same, I'm pretty open. But it's nice out here just to come and chill, you know? And you're new, so if you're gonna be our friend I figured you'd get to see the spot." He smiled, hitting his shoulder with mine playfully.

"How long will we be here for?" I quietly asked, trying not to ruin the comforting silence.

"We'll go back in a few minutes. I just wanted to show you this place."

Once we arrived back on school grounds, Jack and I said our goodbyes as I made my way back to class.

Just as I entered the school, I was a about to enter English when I heard my name being called. I flipped my head towards the direction my name was being called from.

"Cameron?" I asked, surprised he was even trying to get my attention.

"Why weren't you in class today?" he wondered. I gave him a confused look. Why did he want to know? And why did he care?

"Why does it matter?"

"No reason, I was just looking forward to annoying you." he shrugged, leaving me to roll my eyes.

"Well, congratulations. annoyed I am." I gave him a sarcastic smile before turning away to get to class. This was decent, not arguing or me wanting to rip his head off. He's up to something.

"Wait, Stacey!" Cameron called again. I mentally rolled my eyes again, turning to face him. What was his problem today?

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over today?" he brought his hand to the nape of his neck, rubbing it before bringing his hand through his brown locks.

"We're not friends, Cameron." I stated rather sharply, turning around yet again and walking to english.

For a second his eyes drained but immediately regained color before he leaned himself against the row of lockers beside him, "For the assignment. Don't get too over your head, you aren't exactly my ideal 'friend'."

I wasn't sure whether to be slightly hurt that I didnt meet his expectations or nod my head, simply because I knew I was no where near his standards. But it being stated and placed on the table for me to read as clear as day was not as comforting as you'd think.

I admit I've been snappy with him, rude at times, and upright annoying. But I can't help myself. Cameron has two completely different sides to himself that hurts my head. I never know whether he's calling my name out of disgust or wanting to offer something as a nice gesture. It's my first instinct to bite back before he can speak, and now that's it's finally written in words a friendship between us would never actually work, I simply gave him a nod before turning away, not wanting to show the slight feeling of defeat that laid atop my shoulders.

I wondered if he gave other girls this much stress.


after school had finally ended, I made sure to leave early so I wouldn't find cameron honking at me. That was the last thing I needed.

I plugged in my earbuds, blasting the music so I wouldn't pay attention to any of the rest of the kids walking around me.

Just as I was about to arrive home, I saw Cameron sitting on his front porch. I had to do a double take because how the hell did he get there so fast? Then I realized of course he'd beat me, he had a car.

I feel him glance over at me as I continued walking. Just then, another car pulled up. only a short blonde girl came out of the drivers side, with her shirt half on and her butt hanging out of her shorts. Her makeup caked on and an over confident bounce to her walk. I wasn't sure if it was her or the fact that Cameron stood outside waiting for her made me feel off.

I nearly blew up in rage but held myself together. It wasn't until he began walking towards me, disregarding the poor booty call.

"What the hell?" I commented, getting his attention along with the blonde's.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"So you think it's okay to catch my attention and try wasting my time with some stupid excuse about working on the assignment?"

"I was just planning to work on the assignment, but you declined. Honestly, why do you seem so upset?"

"I actually didn't decline, i didn't even give you a proper answer. But, I guess this really isn't my business. Have fun."

"Shut up Stacey, quit talking like you're all high and mighty. You barely moved here and you're walking on dangerous ice. Messing with me isn't going to get you anywhere but rock bottom, trust me." He stated, voice sharp, cold, and low. His jaw tight from clenching.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I laughed, actually amused. I wasn't even mad at this point. He really had some nerve.

"I know who I am. In fact, this whole block knows who I am. My name's written between almost every girl's legs down this street. You? No one knows who you are."

That was too much. Way too much. and out of line, "You are a manwhore, Cameron. an absolute manwhore. I can't even stand the fucking sight of you, you disgusting piece of-"

"Okay!" Cameron shouted over me, "Shut up, Stacey! What I do, is my business, not yours. so take your little smart mouth-"

"Fuck you, like you didn't just let me in on your little business you got running with every girl you see. You are a waste of breath." I spit, not allowing him to finish that sentence, finishing my walk home with a burning face.

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