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I wake up like I'm in a dream. I rub my eyes and open them again to see I'm still in Jake's room. In his bed. In my bra.

Erika: What the fuck is going on?
Jake: So you're up?

Jake comes out from his doorway without his shirt on as well.

Erika: Why am I here?
Jake: I waited till you fell asleep to bring you back here.
Erika: Where did you sleep?
Jake: I crashed on the couch out here.
Erika: You're weak. I wanted to sleep on that field.
Jake: You fell asleep in your bra. Anyways, that was a call for someone to catch us. Anyone could of just look over the fence and see us.
Erika: So you don't want to get caught either, it's not just me.
Jake: If we let people know then they'll gossip. Who knows what Alissa would say or do to us. And if keeping us a secret keeps you happy, then I'm good with it. Now come on, get yourself together, your shirt's on the desk, and come upstairs. I'll make some eggs.

Skip to the end of November because I'm lazyyyyyyyyy. Erika and Jake have been sneaking around well and no one suspects anything, although Erika had to kiss some other boys to prove herself. The school is convinced that they're single. But what will happen when Erika's mom finds out some secrets?

I meet Jake for our three month anniversary after school. When I see him coming towards me he's not wearing a shirt. Seems a bit bazaar but I'm not complaining. As he gets closer I see a few scratches so I run up to him. When I'm up close to him he's bleeding everywhere.

Erika: Jake, what happened!?
Jake: I'm fine. I told you we would tell Mrs. Coop for our anniversary, so let's head up.
Erika: Jake, are you out of your mind? What the fuck happened?
Jake: After practice the boys were talking, talking about you.
Erika: So?
Jake: Sexual things, not nice sexual things. I kept my cool so I wouldn't blow my cover or anything, but Anthony didn't hesitate once he overheard the conversation. I guess I didn't hesitate once they swung one punch at Anthony. It was a lot against two.
Erika: Those are your friends, why would they turn on you?
Jake: It was the college students that came to help us out. They were also helping kids around the school today.
Erika: Yeah, I know.
Jake: They spotted you one class and haven't stopped talking since. It was bad that time though. Someone spilled that you just had they're birthday which makes them think it's okay because you're 18 like some of them.
Erika: You guys should've just let it go.
Jake: How was I suppose to do that?
Erika: I'm taking you back to my house. I'll clean you up.
Jake: Thanks.
Erika: Yeah yeah, I know I'm great.

He chuckles and I give him a quick kiss. I quickly grab my stuff when we hear a voice from above us. Shit.

Coop: Well well. Sucks that our college students couldn't behave. Would you like me to report them Jake?

We both look up and relax after realizing it was just Mrs. Coop. We want her to know about us anyways to see if she can help us tell Cortney.

Jake: No, no.
Coop: Is Anthony okay?
Jake: Yes, he didn't get as many hits. I told him to leave as soon as he could. He escaped, I did not.
Coop: Okay, you can take the day off tomorrow if needed. Just call in sick.
Jake: Thank you.
Coop: Ms. Costell, what would you like to tell me?
Erika: Did you not see?
Coop: I did, but tell me it officially.
Erika: It's our three month anniversary Mrs. Coop.
Coop: That long?
Erika: Don't tell anyone. We want to talk to you Monday after school.
Coop: Of course. Now make sure Jake gets all cleaned up.
Erika: I will.

She smiles and we have bye to her. I get Jake in my car and get back to my house. I hold his busted hand all the way there. I'm just wearing some wrap around my wrist now since I haven't seen a doctor at all for it. I just want to make sure that it's all healed before I let it loose.

My Old Self ~ Jerika Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz