Chapter One: Birthday Surprise

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I'm editing these chapters, because I wrote this like a year and a half ago, so before you read im gonna add a little note saying edited or something. Thanks for all the votes!!

{Done Editing}


{Skyler's  P.O.V}

"We're back!" One of my friends decided to yell, managing to resonate through the apartment walls. I checked my alarm to read 7:00 am. Damn, I overslept.

"Your shift starts in like 30 minutes, so get your ass out of bed." Of course, these friends of mine know that I hate waking up early, yet they insist on doing it anyway.

"Is it my shift already?" I yelled back, throwing my covers off walking downstairs to the kitchen. See, Emma and Haley both work at the same coffee shop as me, since we thought it was the easiest was to pay for our shared apartment. I had the morning shift, and they had the afternoon shift. I hastily poured myself a bowl of cereal, and began eating my beloved Cheerios.

"You know it is, Sky." I heard from the bedrooms upstairs. Most likely Emma, since Haley was probably asleep - she has a tendency of falling asleep the second she gets in bed. Once I was finished with my late breakfast, I went back upstairs to take a quick shower and get ready- and in no time I was out the door.

The best part about the coffee shop was that it was only down the street.  After my two minute walk, I was greeted by the familiar brown letters above the door reading Conner's Coffee.

"There's the birthday girl," my co-worker said to me as I began putting on my apron.

"Hey, Sue, and thank you," I smiled at her. I looked around and saw that - even though the chairs were all set up - no one was here. "Why's it so empty?" I asked her. I headed towards the doors to look outside, and saw that our Welcome sign still read Closed. I flipped the sign and looked over to my co-worker, giving her a knowing look. 


* * * * * * * * * *

After work and some grocery shopping, I decide to go home.

"Emma? Haley? Where are you two? Hello?" I yelled out. "Weren't we supposed to meet up for lunch?"

Where the hell could they be?

I eventually figured they must have gone out went, and decided to take a nap.

It was nice enough until I was awoken by being pulled out of my slumber, literally.

Wait, what?

"Sh, be quiet, she might hear us!" I think Emma yelled. Too late for that.

"You do realize I'm awake, right?" I said trying to get this stupid blindfold off of me.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast young missy. We have a surprise for you!" Haley squealed while holding my hands down.

"Yeah, okay so um, one foot to the right - no your other rig-" Haley tried verbally leading me to the door of my own bedroom, but it wasn't really working.

"We'll just walk you." Emma said with a huff. She has always been the smartest from the three of us.

"Okay so just keep walking, we've got you now we're turning, see? Ah wait no of course you can't, don't answer that, Oh! And be careful there's a-"

Smack. Great.

Thanks, Haley. Can always count on you to stop me from banging my head into a wall.

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