Chapter Fourteen: Truth Comes Out

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{Done Editing}


{Skyler's P.O.V}

Once we all loaded into Louis car, we stopped at my friends' Megan house so she could come too. She walked out of here apartment and had the weirdest expression on her face.

"Did I forget to mention, we were going with one direction?" I said and she nodded furiously. She has so many posters on her wall, every song on itunes, bracelets and like twelve shirts different One Direction shirts. I'd say she's a fan

Louis drove and Liam had shotgun, Megan, Niall, Harry and I sat in the middle and Emma, Haley and Zayn sat in the very back. I was surprised how we could all fit.

I took my phone out in the car and opened Twitter. I checked my followers and I had 200 more followers then before. That spread a smile across my face and I had to scream. 

"What happened?" Zayn asked waking up from his nap. That boy can sleep anywhere.

"I just got 200 more followers!" I told him, shoving my phone in his face. Then he said great and went back to sleep. I looked out the window, watching, as the buildings would pass us by. I couldn't believe that I actually got to see Harry again. My face is now plastered on every magazine next to one direction and my brother is now fine. And know were going to the amusement park! Life's good. All of a sudden I  snap back to reality. Everyone in the car is freaking out, and screaming at Lou.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously, looking around.

"Lou over here decided to get us lost." Zayn said furiously. 

"What?" I screamed, smacking Lou upside the head.

"Sorry but I don't know this part of town!" Louis spoke angrily.

"Ok how far are we away from our apartment?" Emma asked being her usual smart self.

"Well, we were in the car for about an hour..." Niall trailed off. 

"But the amusement park is like 20 minutes away from our apartment. I thought you knew your way around, Louis." I said still slightly angry at him.

"Do you know where we are, mate?" Liam said calmly.

"No?" Louis responded. 

"What do we do now?" Niall asked looking at us. We all shrugged since we didn't know what to do.

"Well, the night's still young. Why don't we drive around and see if we can find our way back home." Harry said more as a statement than a question. We all agreed and turned around. Sadly we were headed for a forest instead.

"Lou, we asked you to take us to the city not the country!" Haley said.

"Fine I'll turn around." He said and  he did. Again, he messed up and we were driving near a forest. That's when our gas ran out. 

"Lou , why did we stop?" Zayn asked.

"Well according to the car, we're out of gas." Louis responded.

"Well, what do we do now? We're in the middle of a forest and our gas tank just ran out!" Haley said and I know my friend well enough to know that she does not take these type of situations well.

"Yes!" Louis said in excitement. We all looked at him trying to understand.

"A while ago me and my family took a camping trip. My father had to many things in his van so we took my car. We had brought a lot of food and stuff because we thought that we would stay for a month but we only stayed for a week." Louis said still happy.

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