Chapter Thirteen: Ready For An Adventure!

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{Done Editing}


{Harry's P.O.V.}

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of apple juice. I took a sip of my apple-juice and walked to the couch next to Lou. We'd set up our flat similar to the girls' but not as pink. Now we were sitting on our own couch. I looked over at the older boy. He seemed to be acting strange. 

"Lou, is everything alright?" I asked. He looked up.

"I want.." He said growing quiet, so I leaned in, "AN  ADVENTURE!" He screamed in my ear, making me spit the juice all over my clothes. Are you kidding me?

"Louis!" I yelled and chased him around the building. We ran all over the place until Liam saw us in the hallway.

"What's going on?" Liam angrily said putting the groceries down.

"I WANT AN ADVENTURE!" Lou whined.

"Why don't we just go to the amusement park?" Niall said hopping out of his room. I began stripping into my boxers, thanks to Lou.

"Yeah but someone has to invite the girls to come, too." Liam said eyeing us. I haven't seen Sky in a while so it would give me a good excuse to talk to her...

"I'll go." I said and was on my way to the door when Liam stopped me.

"Harry, you're in your trousers." He said giving me a look. I sighed, went upstairs, put my clothes on, went downstairs then left. 

{Skyler's P.O.V}

I walked to the living room and grabbed my phone. I haven't been on twitter lately.... I opened the app and updated my status.

@Skyblue: Nothing to do at home :( 

I heard Emma walk downstairs. She sat next to me and pulled out her laptop.

"Check this out" She said, clicking play. It was One Direction's new music video, live while we're young. It sounded really good!

"Man, they sound really good!" I said and, very badly, sung and danced around the room. Emma got up and joined me and we practically yelled out the song, sounding like dying cats. All of a sudden my phone starts buzzing

@Louis_Tomlinson: @Skyblue you day is going to be A LOT less boring in 3, 2...

I look around to see if he was somewhere in my apartment trying to scare me. Then the doorbell rings. My immediate guess was that it was Lou so I ran to the kitchen grabbed a handful of carrots and as Emma opened the door, we chucked carrots at him. Sadly, as he walked closer, we realized it was Harry!

"Shit, Harry I'm so sorry, I thought you were Lou and he scared me so my idea was to scare him instead and...." And I trailed off. Emma went to go get an ice pack for Harry who, as usual, fixed his appearance then walked over to me. Cheeky boy.

"Harry why are you here?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Well, Louis said he wanted an ADVENTURE so we all decided, to make Lou shut up, we would take him to an amusement park. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Emma and Haley too of course." He said still waiting for my answer.

"Sure, why not." I said as Em walked back. I told her what happened.

"Yay! I love amusement parks!" She said jumping up and down in the air. Harry on the other hand seemed kind of scared of the thought. I pulled out my phone and started typing.

@Skyblue: @Louis_Tomlinson, you are one very strange carrot.

Then I went to upstairs to tell Haley our plans and to go get ready. We're gonna leave at 4:00. This was going to be a very weird day with the guys,  as usual. I went to go get ready. I took a shower and then got dressed. I put on my jeans and a raglan shirt. I grabbed my phone and figured I could invite my friend Megan. I went back down to the living room. I got hungry so I walked over to the fridge and saw someone eating everything.

"Niall! What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" I screamed, closing the fridge door.

"Well, we ran out of food so I figured you would have food." Niall spoke, completely calmly. Then he came over to the couch and watched T.V. with me. One strange little leprechaun.

{Liam's P.O.V.}

"God Harry, what happened to your arm?" I asked grabbing it and carefully examinating it. It now had bruises

"Oh, I went over to tell the girls about later on but they thought I was Lou and threw carrots at me." He repeated chucking.

"Well, I haven't seen Danielle in a while, why don't you invite her?" Harry asked. I forgot to tell the rest of the Lads so I guess Harry will be the first to know.

"Um, Harry.... Danielle and I broke up..." I said, my voice getting softer with each word.

"I'm sorry Liam. What happened?" Harry said sitting down with me. I ddn't feel like telling anybody but I guess eventually i'd have to.

"It began to be too much for Danielle after two years.She was receiving a lot more hate from the fans. Some fans even began to chase her in the streets. We were always apart and she was too over whelmed so we decided to break it off." I said looking down.

"I'm sorry mate. I wish it would have worked out between you two."

"We're still friends though."

Harry always has my back, even when he's a pain. I realized that I got completely side tracked when the doorbell rung. I went to go open it as Niall and Zayn ran downstairs fixing themselves. We got in our van and vent to the amusement park. We're all up for a thrill....


A/N: I AM SOOOOO BAD AT UPDATING! sorry, but I'm so happy many people could read my story! If only I could know who. Anyway, I hope you liked my story PLZZZZ COMENT and VOTE it would mean the WORLD to meeee. Oh and I'm going to be writting a new story soon so if anyone wants to have a name of their choice, coment it! LUV YOU ALLL <3


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