Chapter Nine: Hospital

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{Done Editing}


{Harry's P.O.V.}

I looked at my watch. It was 7:45 in the morning. I never wake up this early so I decided to go for a run. I changed into some sweatpants and jumped out the door. I didn't bother putting on a shirt because it was just a short run. I ran around the park until I saw a girl with her back against a tree and her head on her knees crying. As I took a second look I realized it was Skyler! I ran up to her and sat down beside her. 

"Skyler? What's wrong?" I said worried.

"Harry?" She said looking up her checks we red but I didn't see any tears.

"Skyler can you please tell me what's wrong?" I said, now panicking.

"It's nothing." Skyler smiled weakly

I could tell she was lying I moved closer and put my arm around her. She began breathing slowly then decided to start talking.

"So this morning I walk downstairs and the phone ring so I pick it up the person on the other line was my father and he said my brother Dylan was in a car accident. He said it was serious and that I should go right away, but it will take too long to book a flight and I have you guys staying here, I have school, my job and I can't just drop everything and go. " I heard her say, sadly. I had a great idea but risky.

"Skyler, One Direction gets their own private jet so you can take that, The guys will be fine with Haley and Emma, you're on summer vacation, your friends will take care of your shifts and I will go with you." I told her, wondering how the hell I can come up with such a solution on the spot.

"But..but..Thank you Harry." Skyler said and wrapped her arms around me. It's been a while since she hugged me.


"Ok but we leave now!" I said and headed for the car. She stopped me.

"Um Harry, your shirtless.." She said  looked down. She was right.

"Fine. I put a shirt on, tell Liam, and then we go. How's that?" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her. She smiled and nodded. We went up to the apartment and everyone was up, except Zayn, of course.

"Hey Liam, can I talk to you for a second?" I said he looked confused but followed me to the kitchen.

"Liam, Sky's bother was in an accident and she needs to go visit them now. I'm gonna go with her for support. Can you make sure the lads don't do anything stupid?" I said. He nodded in agreement.

"Thanks Liam. you know where Skyler is?" I said looking all around.

"Hazza! You can't leave meeee!" Lou said with a very good puppy face.

"Sorry boobear, have to go help Skyler.." I said. Louis turned that frown into a smile, then gave me a you like her look.

"Hazza and Skyler sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..." Louis started but I jumped on him and covered his mouth just as Skyler walked in.

"Hey Harry I'm- Wow, I thought Haley was kidding when she said Larry was real.." She said wide-eyed and slowly walked towords the door. Too close. She grabbed her purse, I said by to the lads and left. We took a cab to the airport and got in the private jet. The flight had just taken off when I hear Skyler softly crying.

"Hey Skyler, everything is going to be alright. I'm right here and your parents will be too." I said trying to be nice. She simply laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I did the same. The flight was long and I couldn't get any sleep. I was worried about Skyler's brother and if he was alright. This was going be so hard for her.

The plane came to a stop and we both got off. Skyler really knew her way around L.A. She told the cab driver exactly where to go and in a flash we were there. L.A. was so beautiful and amazing at the same time. Skyler seemed happy to be home.

We walked into the hospital and into the lobby. The lady behind the desk must have known we were coming because when she saw us she pointed straight to a room. Skyler barged down that door and saw her dad sitting in the chairs. You could tell her dad had been upset but he seemed so happy to see Skyler. I just stayed by the door.

"Dad! Jason? How is Dylan?" Skyler said happy but worried.

"Hey pumpkin!" Her dad said, slightly happier.

"You might want to take a seat, Sky. Dylan was driving home from the groceries with Jason and this lunatic driver crashed into the side of his car. He has a few fractured ribs and a serious concussion. We think the crash affected his memory." Her dad says looking away.

"Meaning that...." Skyler said gesturing for her dad to continue.

"Meaning that he probably lost some of his memory. The doctors said he hasn't woken up yet and he should be soon." I looked around the room and saw this guy next to her parents. It must be Jason.

"Hi Jason long time no see!" Skyler said and gave him a hug. I could feel my stomach get queezy when she hugged him. I just told myself he was her brothers best friend so they had to hug. I could see from the corner of my eye that her dad was glaring at me. I pretend not to notice when Skyler practically read my mind.

"Oh dad, Jason, this is Harry a friend back in England. He helped me come here fast and just in time!  Dylan is starting to wake up!" Skyler said rushing over to him. Her father spoke first.

"Dylan! How are you feeling?" 

"Fine, thanks dad." He said.

"Dylan! How many fingers am I holding up?" Skyler said, laughing. I didn't get why she was laughing but it didn't mater.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" He said.


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